Tuesday, April 10, 2018

MAGA The Strong Trump Delusion That Deceived Many

Why is America so divided and on the chopping block ?

This 1 verse in the Bible explains it.

What we are facing is a MEGA hell coming as judgment on this proud and wicked nation which has been at the forefront in dividing Israel.
The handwriting on the wall is there for everyone to see, everyone who knows and believes God and His Word.

Pride goes before destruction an a haughty spirit before the fall.

“He makes the nations great, then destroys them;
He enlarges the nations, then leads them away.

“He deprives of intelligence the chiefs of the earth’s people
And makes them wander in a pathless waste.
“They grope in darkness with no light,
And He makes them stagger like a drunken man.
Job 12



Mr Macron and Mr Trump reiterated their desire for a “strong reaction” from the international community, Mr Macron’s office said.
Theresa May said that the UK was considering what action was necessary in response to the “barbaric” attack.


Tucker Carlson Goes on Epic Rant Against War in Syria


Anonymous said...

I listened to the video , T.C., on the imbeciles that inhabit D.C. These people are fools!

Don;t they know what they are doing demanding the start of WW#??

It is an OBVIOUS FALSE FLAG! Not a SHRED of proof the Assad did that attack!

However, things were not going so well for those who lick satan's feet. So we must now have a war, a BIG war so they can proceed with their infernal agenda.

How many will be maimed, burned, dismembered, for the whims of these satanists that are running America? Just collateral damage I suppose?

Putin has said " If the U.S. attacks Syria, he will sink the ships that launch the missiles! " I think he means it! International law is being broken here, but where there is oil there are the oil thieves.

Do these idiots realize what they are doing?

May The LORD GOD help and protect the little ones who have no say in this insanity.

Samson7able <(((><

Anonymous said...

Seeing that God is in control and how often He has restrained the insane filthy hand of these arrogant fools intent on more failed and even bigger war is it possible that God could be removing His restraining hand now.
It sure looks that way to me this time.

There has been no real repentance and our nations wickedness is long over due to be sent the message from heaven which is the only thing that rebellious man understands.
I hope I am wrong ????
Thanks brother

Anonymous said...

You may be right. Truly the nation is overdue for judgment.
If it comes here to these shores via nuclear war it will be BAD.
You are right.
Sinful man understands nothing but the STICK! NO Repentance has come in this ARROGANT land.
I pray and weep for the little people who are caught up in this.
Heavenly FATHER, help your Children, in JESUS Name we ask.
Samson7able <(((><

Marcel Cousineau said...

Amen, Jesus warned us how it would become before His return. We only (already) have Him, Faith and hope and that is all we need.