Day after day google,blogspot throw roadblocks up like filling my cache with cookies and crap data so I can't access the mail or blog.....
Today Firefox is saying this blog is unsecured, when I haven't done anything different than before.
I guess they don't like my latest message here ?
And I will bless (do good for, benefit) those who bless you,
And I will curse [that is, subject to My wrath and judgment] the one who curses (despises, dishonors, has contempt for) you.
And in you all the families (nations) of the earth will be blessed.”
Genesis 12:3
I don't know how many hundreds of billions, (trillions of dollars?) the nefarious US, EU, the UN and so many other nations like Japan have flushed down the Palestinian toilet, especially in Gaza, all a big waste, and proving that the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
Every ignorant, meddling US President going back to President Carter have wasted untold billions on rewarding Israel's enemies for their bad behavior under the canard of a false peace process.
If these hypocrites, including Trump, would have read their Bibles, and believed God, they would have had the sense to understand;
'You can not bless what God has cursed'
Rather than get in His way with their attempts to reward the evil behavior of the Palestinian & Islamic people, who do not bless Israel, they should have resisted the evil temptation to meddle in God's affairs, His plan, and agenda related to His Israel.
The ringleader of always rescuing Israel's enemies, America, has become a major stumbling block for Israel.
There is a heavy price to pay for interfering in what God is doing related to Israel.
America has already begun to pay with a severely divided, corrupt, reprobate, godless nation headed for civil war.
If the US and pseudo Christians really cared about the Palestinian/Arab people they would FIRMLY demand an end to their Islamic driven hatred of Israel and the Jews and not give them a cent until they rejected the false prophet of evil Islam.
This below is Gaza today, and even after the hundreds of billions given to reward very bad and bloody ISLAMIC terrorism from the hate filled and hate driven Palestinians, it remains the same as I saw it in 1977.
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Gaza, still the same 40 years after my first visit, and after billions wasted by the nations and their foolish, rebellious, blind leaders |
The failed and corrupt US policy of rewarding Palestinian terrorism with billion$ of dollars is an evil policy.
The nefarious US agenda of giving billions of dollars to reward Israel's enemies for their terrorism, to bless what God has cursed, continues on it's decades of failed, wasted trajectory, even under President Trump and his Globalist UN partners.
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I'm desperate and driven to reward, and give lots of money to the Hamas terrorist controlled enclave of Gaza |
Talk about a strong delusion with those who see Trump as some sort of savior for them and the USA.
He's doing what the rest of the NWO, Globalists, US presidents have done before him, continuing Satan's agenda against Israel.
Godwill punishis punishing America severely for their evil in rewarding, blessing, what He has cursed.
Report: UN, Washington struggling to raise foreign aid for Hamas Islamic Terrorist Controlled Gaza
Even in Iran the People have awakened to their corrupt leaders waste of time and money in Gaza
Trump- a fake friend of Israel
Marcel -Trumps son in law is Jew and his daughter converted to Judaism. I don't think he hates Jews
It's not about hate but crafty deception.
We have to see it from God's point of view.
God does not want a Palestinian state in the heartland of Israel which He has returned to His faith challenged people Israel who sadly look to their stumbling block America as their idol for peace and safety instead of Messiah Yeshua.
Trump and all the devious US president before him do want another failed Islamic terrorist state in the heart of Israel.
That is Satan's agenda.
So crafty Trump is following an anti-God, anti-Christ agenda using his fake-peace against Israek as the bait with great deception and smiles and easily deceiving many saints.
Remember what Jesus said to His people Israel ?
I am come in my Father's name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive.
John 5:43
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