For I do not want you to be unaware, believers, that our fathers were all under the cloud [in which God’s presence went before them] and they all passed [miraculously and safely] through the [Red] Sea;
And all [of them] were baptized into Moses [into his safekeeping as their leader] in the cloud and in the sea; and all [of them] ate the same spiritual food; and all [of them] drank the same spiritual drink, for they were drinking from a spiritual rock which followed them; and the rock was Christ.
Nevertheless, God was not well-pleased with most of them, for they were scattered along the ground in the wilderness [because their lack of self-control led to disobedience which led to death].
Now these things [the warnings and admonitions] took place as examples for us, so that we would not crave evil things as they did.
Do not be worshipers of handmade gods, as some of them were; just as it is written [in Scripture], “The people sat down to eat and drink [after sacrificing to the golden calf at Horeb], and stood up to play [indulging in immoral activities].
” We must not indulge in [nor tolerate] sexual immorality, as some of them did, and twenty-three thousand [suddenly] fell [dead] in a single day!
We must not tempt the Lord [that is, test His patience, question His purpose or exploit His goodness], as some of them did—and they were killed by serpents.
And do not murmur [in unwarranted discontent], as some of them did—and were destroyed by the destroyer.
Now these things happened to them as an example and warning [to us]; they were written for our instruction [to admonish and equip us], upon whom the ends of the ages have come.
Therefore let the one who thinks he stands firm [immune to temptation, being overconfident and self-righteous], take care that he does not fall [into sin and condemnation].
No temptation [regardless of its source] has overtaken or enticed you that is not common to human experience [nor is any temptation unusual or beyond human resistance]; but God is faithful [to His word—He is compassionate and trustworthy], and He will not let you be tempted beyond your ability [to resist], but along with the temptation He [has in the past and is now and] will [always] provide the way out as well, so that you will be able to endure it [without yielding, and will overcome temptation with joy].
Therefore, my beloved, run [keep far, far away] from [any sort of] idolatry [and that includes loving anything more than God, or participating in anything that leads to sin and enslaves the soul]
1 Corinthians 10
Matthew 24:5
Lois Vogel Sharp, (In Trump we hope) teaches that we should do nothing, and let God take care of the false prophets.
Here is what the Word of God tells us to do, quite the opposite of what she is teaching her misled flock.
All of these deceivers, the blind leading the blind point us in the direction of Trump, the latest false hope for the Christians overdosed on many, many idols, delusions, deception and lies.
These false prophets and false teachers following the way of Balaam , $$$, remain silent on the need for all followers of Jesus to repent and stop following useless idols like America Babylon.
They lead their deceived followers to look to false hope, Mammon King Trump, and trust in reprobate America's unholy, unclean, evil, politics, and it's worthless, hopeless, dead end deception, and what America now represents, a stench in God's nostrils ?
There are so many more out there who lift up the abomination, America Babylon, and whose primary agenda is to fleece naive, easily deceived believers from their money.
Have you failed the test of God with your desire to have your ears tickled by the many Christian merchants and hirelings, and your very own closet full of worthless, lying idols ?
And all [of them] were baptized into Moses [into his safekeeping as their leader] in the cloud and in the sea; and all [of them] ate the same spiritual food; and all [of them] drank the same spiritual drink, for they were drinking from a spiritual rock which followed them; and the rock was Christ.
Nevertheless, God was not well-pleased with most of them, for they were scattered along the ground in the wilderness [because their lack of self-control led to disobedience which led to death].
Now these things [the warnings and admonitions] took place as examples for us, so that we would not crave evil things as they did.
Do not be worshipers of handmade gods, as some of them were; just as it is written [in Scripture], “The people sat down to eat and drink [after sacrificing to the golden calf at Horeb], and stood up to play [indulging in immoral activities].
” We must not indulge in [nor tolerate] sexual immorality, as some of them did, and twenty-three thousand [suddenly] fell [dead] in a single day!
We must not tempt the Lord [that is, test His patience, question His purpose or exploit His goodness], as some of them did—and they were killed by serpents.
And do not murmur [in unwarranted discontent], as some of them did—and were destroyed by the destroyer.
Now these things happened to them as an example and warning [to us]; they were written for our instruction [to admonish and equip us], upon whom the ends of the ages have come.
Therefore let the one who thinks he stands firm [immune to temptation, being overconfident and self-righteous], take care that he does not fall [into sin and condemnation].
No temptation [regardless of its source] has overtaken or enticed you that is not common to human experience [nor is any temptation unusual or beyond human resistance]; but God is faithful [to His word—He is compassionate and trustworthy], and He will not let you be tempted beyond your ability [to resist], but along with the temptation He [has in the past and is now and] will [always] provide the way out as well, so that you will be able to endure it [without yielding, and will overcome temptation with joy].
Therefore, my beloved, run [keep far, far away] from [any sort of] idolatry [and that includes loving anything more than God, or participating in anything that leads to sin and enslaves the soul]
1 Corinthians 10
For many will come in My name [misusing it, and appropriating the strength of the name which belongs to Me], saying, ‘I am the Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed),’ and they will mislead many.
Matthew 24:5
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"prophet" Lois Vogel $harp |
Lois Vogel Sharp, (In Trump we hope) teaches that we should do nothing, and let God take care of the false prophets.
Here is what the Word of God tells us to do, quite the opposite of what she is teaching her misled flock.
And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.
Ephesians 5:11
All of these deceivers, the blind leading the blind point us in the direction of Trump, the latest false hope for the Christians overdosed on many, many idols, delusions, deception and lies.
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False teacher of early rapture, Amir, points his deceived followers to Trump and to vote for worthless Republicans instead of Jesus ALONE !!! |
...And then we have the biggest false prophet, Mark Taylor, who comes in Jesus name to deceive and point the way to filthy corrupt, abominable man centered politics and away from Jesus.
What kind of Christian deceiver$ tickle the ears of comatose Christian's, and lifts the American flag up high, a flag that is now the symbol of such evil and wickedness everywhere, and never ending wars across the globe.
These false prophets and false teachers following the way of Balaam , $$$, remain silent on the need for all followers of Jesus to repent and stop following useless idols like America Babylon.
They lead their deceived followers to look to false hope, Mammon King Trump, and trust in reprobate America's unholy, unclean, evil, politics, and it's worthless, hopeless, dead end deception, and what America now represents, a stench in God's nostrils ?
There are so many more out there who lift up the abomination, America Babylon, and whose primary agenda is to fleece naive, easily deceived believers from their money.
Have you failed the test of God with your desire to have your ears tickled by the many Christian merchants and hirelings, and your very own closet full of worthless, lying idols ?
I put a video on once by the lady, but removed it as I got a "Funny" feeling about it, and didn't want to confuse or mislead anyone. There is enough confusion out there !
The occult icon of the flag needs to be ditched. Saying the Name of JESUS and worshiping the flag and america is NOT going to fly.
There needs to be a SEPARATION of the True followers of Messiah JESUS from America Babylon.
Thank you for posting this.
Samson7able <(((><
When dealing with idols in the church it is a very unpopular task, that is why so few stand up to this honoring of wickedness, evil, abomination America, and it's red, white and blue.
'I put a video on once by the lady, but removed it as I got a "Funny" feeling about it'
I finally listened to a few other of her messages and even though there was much truth she spoke there was enough poison, leaven to deceive, kill her naive followers, so I went back and removed the ones I had posted earlier.
In one video, she became very angry when mentioning that donation$ were down, now she hides behind he big fat, fake smile.
So many of these YouTube stars have to keep viewership up and beg, and beg for more money, Even Lynn Leahz was crying about "donations" being down.
It's become a business with so many merchants in the Temple lining their pockets and selling gold and other crap to the gullible saints who love to have their ears tickled with sweet, deadly sugar.
I haven't heard back (on feedback) to blogspot yet ?
Things have been much smoother for about 2 weeks now without the troubles I faced before
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