Monday, September 17, 2018

Canada's New National Anthem


O darkness embracing Canada !

Our home and native land where freedom was abandoned for lies!
Untrue Idol worship in all of us commands us to blindly worship the godless state led by fools.
With glowing, sad hearts we see thee burning in flames,
The True North strong in delusions and no longer free!
From far and wide,
O Canada, we now stand on guard for the false religion of terrorism first and foremost.

God kept our land glorious and free until we abandoned Him!
Now we who hate the truth are blind, and no longer see.
O doomed Canada, we now stand on guard for the religion of terrorism.
O doomed Canada, we now stand on guard for the religion of terrorism.



Dear Friend,

In what has got to win the prize for the saddest, most stupid and most alarming incident related to Gatestone Institute, police in Halifax, Canada have launched an investigation and are searching for an unnamed suspect whom they seek to question. The man's crime? According to CTV News network, the man allegedly passed a note to a woman, which recommended that she visit the Gatestone website and look up our coverage exposing Britain's horrific child sexual grooming gangs.

Who would have thought 10 years ago, or even five years ago, that urging someone to read meticulously researched and fact-checked analyses of current affairs on the website of a respected think-tank such as Gatestone could be considered a crime in Canada -- one of the oldest democracies in the world?


Toronto Muslim terrorist leader is locked up, but was still on social media


The former terrorist leader Zakaria Amara is locked away at Millhaven maximum-security prison, serving a life sentence for plotting Al Qaeda-inspired truck bombings in downtown Toronto.

But for the past six months, a Facebook page in his name has been posting his prison photos as well as what purported to be his jailhouse prose, including a telling of what made him a terrorist.


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