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misplaced faith |
Therefore be patient, brethren, until the coming of the Lord. The farmer waits for the precious produce of the soil, being patient about it, until it gets the early and late rains. You too be patient; strengthen your hearts, for the coming of the Lord is near.
9 Do not complain, brethren, against one another, so that you yourselves may not be judged; behold, the Judge is standing right at the door.
As an example, brethren, of suffering and patience, take the prophets who spoke in the name of the Lord.
We count those blessed who endured. You have heard of the endurance of Job and have seen the outcome of the Lord’s dealings, that the Lord is full of compassion and is merciful.
But above all, my brethren, do not swear, either by heaven or by earth or with any other oath; but your yes is to be yes, and your no, no, so that you may not fall under judgment. Is anyone among you suffering? Then he must pray. Is anyone cheerful? He is to sing praises.
Is anyone among you sick? Then he must call for the elders of the church and they are to pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord; and the prayer offered in faith will restore the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up, and if he has committed sins, they will be forgiven him.
JAMES 5:7-14
The Peril of Unbelief
12 Take care, brothers and sisters, that there not be in any one of you a wicked, unbelieving heart [which refuses to trust and rely on the Lord, a heart] that turns away from the living God.
But continually encourage one another every day, as long as it is called “Today” [and there is an opportunity], so that none of you will be hardened [into settled rebellion] by the deceitfulness of sin [its cleverness, delusive glamour, and sophistication].
For we [believers] have become partakers of Christ [sharing in all that the Messiah has for us], if only we hold firm our newborn confidence [which originally led us to Him] until the end, while it is said,
“Today [while there is still opportunity] if you hear His voice,
Do not harden your heart, as when they provoked Me [in the rebellion in the desert at Meribah].”
For who were they who heard and yet provoked Him [with rebellious acts]? Was it not all those who came out of Egypt led by Moses? And with whom was He angry for forty years? Was it not with those who sinned, whose dead bodies were scattered in the desert? And to whom did He swear [an oath] that they would not enter His rest, but to those who disobeyed [those who would not listen to His word]?
So we see that they were not able to enter [into His rest—the promised land] because of unbelief and an unwillingness to trust in God.
Hebrews 3
The Believer’s Rest
Therefore, while the promise of entering His rest still remains and is freely offered today, let us fear, in case any one of you may seem to come short of reaching it or think he has come too late. For indeed we have had the good news [of salvation] preached to us, just as the Israelites also [when the good news of the promised land came to them]; but the message they heard did not benefit them, because it was not united with faith [in God] by those who heard.
For we who believe [that is, we who personally trust and confidently rely on God] enter that rest [so we have His inner peace now because we are confident in our salvation, and assured of His power], just as He has said,
“As I swore [an oath] in My wrath,
They shall not enter My rest,”
[this He said] although His works were completed from the foundation of the world [waiting for all who would believe].
For somewhere [in Scripture] He has said this about the seventh day: “And God rested on the seventh day from all His works”; and again in this, “They shall not enter My rest.” Therefore, since the promise remains for some to enter His rest, and those who formerly had the good news preached to them failed to [grasp it and did not] enter because of [their unbelief evidenced by] disobedience, He again sets a definite day, [a new] “Today,” [providing another opportunity to enter that rest by] saying through David after so long a time, just as has been said before [in the words already quoted],
“Today if you hear His voice,
Do not harden your hearts.”
[This mention of a rest was not a reference to their entering into Canaan.] For if Joshua had given them rest, God would not speak about another day [of opportunity] after that.
So there remains a [full and complete] Sabbath rest for the people of God. For the one who has once entered His rest has also rested from [the weariness and pain of] his [human] labors, just as God rested from [those labors uniquely] His own.
Let us therefore make every effort to enter that rest [of God, to know and experience it for ourselves], so that no one will fall by following the same example of disobedience [as those who died in the wilderness].
For the word of God is living and active and full of power [making it operative, energizing, and effective]. It is sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating as far as the division of the soul and spirit [the completeness of a person], and of both joints and marrow [the deepest parts of our nature], exposing and judging the very thoughts and intentions of the heart.
And not a creature exists that is concealed from His sight, but all things are open and exposed, and revealed to the eyes of Him with whom we have to give account.
Inasmuch then as we [believers] have a great High Priest who has [already ascended and] passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession [of faith and cling tenaciously to our absolute trust in Him as Savior].
For we do not have a High Priest who is unable to sympathize and understand our weaknesses and temptations, but One who has been tempted [knowing exactly how it feels to be human] in every respect as we are, yet without [committing any] sin.
Therefore let us [with privilege] approach the throne of grace [that is, the throne of God’s gracious favor] with confidence and without fear, so that we may receive mercy [for our failures] and find [His amazing] grace to help in time of need [an appropriate blessing, coming just at the right moment].
Hebrews 4
And the dragon gave him his power and his throne and great authority.
He was also permitted to wage war against the saints (God’s people) and to overcome them, and authority and power over every tribe and people and language and nation.
Also he compels all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free men and the slaves, to be given a mark on their right hand or on their forehead [signifying allegiance to the beast],
and that no one will be able to buy or sell, except the one who has the mark, either the name of the beast or the number of his name.
Revelation 13
An Evil Satanic Data Dictatorship
Satan's Attempt to Play God over His Creation Earth
God is going to pull the plug.....again !
Our World in 2019: The Truth May Shock You!
God is the 1, the only One, the Expert at pulling the plug on the little gods, His wicked rebellious 2 legged creatures who reject
He's been at it since before we, you, me were born, and He will pull the plug again, soon !!! !
“This is a huge city – a megalopolis in relation to the Early Bronze Age, where thousands of inhabitants, who made their living from agriculture, lived and traded with different regions and even with different cultures and kingdoms in the area… This is the Early Bronze Age New York of our region; a cosmopolitan and planned city,”
UNTIL God pulled the plug on this wicked city !
UNTIL God pulled the plug on this wicked city !
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Vote evil Democrat or useless Republican Vote for us, we godless fools will take you back to the stone age where the climate changed every day ! |
The very stupid devolving human
We may be closing in on the discovery of alien life, anyone but God. But are we easily deceived fools prepared?
In addition, a recent survey made by Arizona State University shows that most earthlings would welcome intelligent aliens, demons in disguise. Apparently, the brainwashed sheep headed for the slaughterhouse think it probable that such deceiving demonic beings, fallen angels would be friendly.
I don't watch any TV
so on the radio
I heard the fellow mention;
Those who know the word of God know who the #1 fallen star is !
The worship of their dead idols is an abomination to God whom they ignore in
their evil rebellious hearts in deep rebellion against Him.
They will not ignore Him forever !
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vanity, all is vanity |
The godless heathen worship their dead fallen STARS, and even attempt to keep them alive with a Birthday Bash
(they say for a good cause ?, the greedy, overpriced medical profession)
..where Jesus the Alpha and Omega, the Resurrection and the Life, the TRUTH is not invited,
In fact the God who gave them life and every breath is never celebrated or even thanked, He is anathema to these worshipers of their dead idols.
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