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Rush, pied piper, false hope to his listeners on the hamster wheel |
The Pied Piper of the Right exposed himself as an empty suit, a fraud yesterday after a caller got in and dropped the truth bomb on him about no one in the criminal Obama regime being held accountable 3 years into the Trump administration, no one !
Rush just fed the caller drivel and empty, false hope words.
That reality should have awakened many, but the Pied Pipers of the Right like Rush & Hannity keep serving up gallons of delusion Kool-Aid where justice is never served to their listeners, just false hope.
The caller shared how quickly injustice was served on General Flynn with 'destroy' as the end game by the Obama criminal cabal, Trump Campaign head Paul Manafort with the outrageous, abusive, evil FBI raid, and his quick trial and solitary confinement in prison, and the many others, Stone, Carter Page, Popadoplous, abused by the utterly corrupt system.
Yet 3 years in Hillary and the whole criminal gang are free and on the prowl as Rush makes lame excuses for the slow no walk, no justice from farce Trump.
I want to add how D'Nesh D'Souza was quickly railroaded to prison by injustice, criminal Obama, and how Trump picks for DOJ and FBI, Barr & Wray are all deep state swamp dwellers who have not brought any justice anywhere or cleaned up the FBI, CIA, or anything !!!
That is the real legacy of Trump that not one Right Talk Show Host is talking about. They just divert us to the failing GREAT Trump economy and make lame excuses.
Rush leaves out the callers penetrating question in the link below but he does give part of his lame response. That's all i could find this morning and do not have access to the 1 hour 20 minute mark to the 1 hour 45 minute segment.
His mocking tone when he imitates listeners reveals a lot about him. Too much success, too much golf has done great damage to the popular pied piper who tells his followers winning elections is the key as he rails on the worthless Republicans who always choose useless, weak kneed Baynor's, Paul Ryan's, McCarthy's, Mitch 'the turtle' McConnell's to lead the spineless cowards who always retreat & surrender enmasse and never, ever get anything done.
If you have access to the October 3 show from the 1 hour 20 minute to 1 hour 45 minute segment could you put it on YouTube and send me the link.
In that part of Thursdays program he reveals that unlike his 'hoping for justice' listeners, he never expected justice to fall on the criminal Obama, FBI's Comey, Struk, Paige, McCabe, Hillary, Brennan, Clapper, Susan Rice, Smantha Power, Loretta Lynch, and the rest of the high crimes RICO Obama administration, and how the (worthless) Republicans are not about justice, having 8 years to hold Obama and crime family accountable and doing nothing.
That is when I had to shut it off because it's all one big lie, a scam, just false hope targeting those on the Right who follow these deceivers and false prophets of our time.
Elect more worthless Republicans is the Key
It's no wonder why there is never any accountability and the evil left always advance their agenda even when the Republicans hold the House and the Senate with Pied Pipers like Rush telling his deceived listeners that
...when it has proven to be madness, futility to do the same insane thing time and again with the same worthless results !
The key to false hopes & delusions by following DEAD END worthless idols and deceivers, yes !
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Voting for worthless, spineless Republicans is the Key ? |
Winning Elections is the Key
Rush- Republicans want to do it with mass public support.
Baloney Rush- YOU KNOW THAT WILL NEVER HAPPEN with the American education system & their decades of Marxist brainwashed youth all allowed to occur by the useless Republicans.
Even with 'mass public support' they will fold, run, hide, betray or quit.
The Republicans have proven they don't want to do anything except help to advance the agenda of the Globalists.
at the end of his 5:27 minute spiel he has with the caller and his deceived listeners; When have the Democrats ever gone to jail for their many crimes.
He knows the Globalist agenda and that the Republicans are all in on it from day 1, and what does he do ?
He tells his blind sheep to go out and vote for them.
The reason Trump is asking Ukraine and China to investigate corrupt ex- VP Joe Biden is all for show.
He knows his deep state picks to head the FBI and DOJ will do nothing.
It’s all a big deception on the Right sheep marked, targeted for destruction.
P.S. On my local Radio here in Florida on a Rush promo clip, he delivers an in your face ad where he uses the Rolling Stone's 'Sympathy for the Devil' song clip 'hope you guess my name' to sell himself.
HOW EVIL he has become !!!
That should tell listeners what he is all about but I'm afraid years of listening to the false pied piper and ignoring Jesus has led them astray and nothing he says or does will wake them up to the deep deception they are under.
All the success and wealth, the millions and millions, the good life, golf, have CORRUPTED him, and made him a very proud, blind fellow, and too many Christians are the blind following the blind.
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Rush, Hannity & Levin are OK with sodomy abomination, wickedness and deceived Christians follow them instead of Jesus. |
He let out a few months ago that he hired Elton John to come and serenade at his latest marriage.
That tells me Christians who listen to and follow him, (another charming idol in place of Jesus) are duped and on the wide road to destruction.
The Iran Trap Set for President Trump
They ignore the real trap that Iran, Russia & China have set for USA & Trump and focus on the Macron Merkel trap.
How blind, how sad !
What a foolish, foolish nation, and an even MORE foolish and idolatrous church / religious system. America has been worshipped too long, and lifted up above what it aught to be. Nation worship is IDOLATRY.
The LORD+ is sending forth HIS+ Angels and is gathering OUT of HIS+ Kingdom ALL THINGS that offend. HE+ is gathering them together in bundles to be burned.
COME OUT of the lying apostate mainline churches and begin to follow JESUS and Obey HIS+ Voice.
Come out of Babylon America in your hearts, lest you be taken in her Judgment and soon burning and destruction. The Bill is coming DUE for Babylon America.
The foolish backslid Christians follow their blind guides because their hearts are far from Jesus. Those who are popular in Christian circles are popular because they tickle the ears of the deceived sheep.
False hope false prophets like Rush and Hannity who lead God's people into idolatry will hurt the backslid saints
The unpopular ones like Jeremiah have the truth in these evil and dark days.
Blessings to you brother.
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