Tuesday, May 19, 2020

In The Evil Empire The Most Evil & Corrupt Are Above The Law

No justice 

For the biggest criminals at the top

in abomination sodomyland America 

President Trump's Terrible Choice For Department of noJustice, Attorney General William Barr Makes it Clear, Felony Crimes Obama is Above the Law-Will not investigate fellow deep state corruptocrats.


He couldn't beat them so he joined them

Waldo Swampy Barr of Deep State
Trumps noJustice pick for A.G.

Naive Trump 'surprised' Barr sees no criminal probe into Obama, Biden

"I think it's just a continuation of a double standard. I am surprised by it," the president continued. 


The evil empire has not delivered justice to Islamic terrorist US ARMY Major Nidal Hassan many many years after he was sentenced to death.
The evil empire love their evil Muslim terrorists.

The FBI and the incompetents at the Pentagon should have caught this latest Muslim terrorist from Saudi  Arabia before he got on a US Military base.   

The overpaid Washington idiots invited him and his fellow radicals to the US and were not watching these Muslim terrorists like they watch us law abiding citizen infidel's.

Makes you wonder how irreparably deep the evil and darkness is in the evil empire now facing God's wrath ?

It's evident in America we are led by fools, reprobates and blind idiots.

The FBI as always is too late and reveals what an incompetent and corrupt, rotten from the top down organization that it is.

WASHINGTON—A Saudi aviation student who killed three people last year at a Florida Navy base had extensive ties to al Qaeda, going back to 2015, top incompetent U.S. law-enforcement officials said Monday as they accused Apple Inc. of stalling the probe by refusing to help unlock the shooter’s Saudi Muslim Terrorist's phones.


Failed Bungling Idiots FBI learned nothing just got more incompetent after 15 Saudi Muslim Terrorist's flew planes into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon back in 2001.

The idiots at NSA, DHS, FBI were too busy watching law abiding American citizens and failed to do their job again.

They let Omar Mateen kill many at the Pulse Nightclub in Orlando after they were warned twice of his Islam terrorism inclinations.

The Worthless FBI Missed Religion of Terrorism Omar Mateen 

Mateen gunned down 49 people and injured 53 more at Pulse, a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida. He reportedly pledged allegiance to ISISleader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi on Facebook—

The FBI interviewed Mateen in both 2013 and 2014, though both cases were closed after it was determined he did not pose a threat. In 2013.....


Unlike General Flynn the corrupt FBI softly interviewed Omar the Muslim terrorist twice and the evil empire let the evil mass murderer go free to slaughter many, many American infidels. 

They failed with the Muslim terrorist couple who slaughtered many innocent infidels in San Bernadino, California and so many other times.


They keep their jobs get a raise and are promoted to do more evil.

Under Trump pick to lead the FBI, Chris Wray, twin of Jimmy the Weasel Comey, the FBI is as blind and stupid as ever.

  • ~~~

Israel fearing evil US Democrats will steal the November election from Trump finally doing what they should have done decades ago.

Ron Dermer, Israel's ambassador to the United States, speaks at the Economic Club of Detroit in Detroit, Michigan, on June 4, 2018. (AP Photo/Paul Sancya)

“We need to move forward with annexation now because we don’t know what will happen in the US presidential elections in November — Biden may win. Now there’s a window of opportunity and therefore this needs to be done now,” Dermer is quoted saying during closed briefings.

  • hat tip - Bill at Watch 

Bad Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Bet Big on Moderna mRNA Technology/Vaccine 

  • Qatari Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani / Getty Images
    Qatar is spending billions of dollars to infiltrate the American education system as part of a propaganda effort that legal advocates say violates federal statutes and warrants a full-scale investigation, according to a nonpublic memorandum sent from an investigative group to the State Department and obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.
    The Qatar Foundation (QF), a state-controlled entity tasked with promoting the country's interests, has spent at least $1.5 billion since 2012 to fund a range of educational initiatives at 28 universities across America, making it one of the education system's most prolific foreign funders, according to information obtained by the Lawfare Project, a U.S.-based legal group that has been petitioning American universities to turn over information about their financial relationships with Qatar.
    Foreign funding of American universities has been a concern for some time, with countries such as Qatar, Russia, China, Saudi Arabia, and others injecting billions into their budgets. The Education Department found in late 2019 that several schools failed to report more than $1.3 billion in foreign funds. Qatar's emergence as one of the leading foreign funders has generated concerns about anti-Israel and anti-Semitic bias working its way into the classroom.

Reprobate America expelled the light and truth that made this nation possible.
Since then every force of darkness has crept in to fill the void.

The extreme, evil, godless left destroyed America's education/brainwash system long ago.


But at midnight there was a shout, ‘Behold, the bridegroom! Come out to meet him.’Then all those virgins rose and trimmed their lamps. 

The foolish said to the prudent, ‘Give us some of your oil, for our lamps are going out.’ 

(The foolish failed to prepare for the midnight darkness now falling, they fell for the early rapture lie)

But the prudent answered, ‘No, there will not be enough for us and you too; go instead to the dealers and buy some for yourselves.’

10 And while they were going away to make the purchase, the bridegroom came, and those who were ready went in with him to the wedding feast; and the door was shut. 

11 Later the other virgins also came, saying, ‘Lord, lord, open up for us.’

12 But he answered, ‘Truly I say to you, I do not know you.’ 

13 Be on the alert then, for you do not know the day nor the hour.

from Matthew 25


Anonymous said...

The drunks on the street know that Obama and the Clinton's are GROSS Criminals.
What is wrong with AG Barr ??
Answer, He takes his orders from the same group\that the other Criminals do.
In Babylon America the Criminals ALWAYS get away with
their Crimes !
Why would Trump pick AG Barr ?
I understand that he was a Bush man, a pet of the Bush crime family. Mr. Trump always picks Evil assistants who will NOT support ANY Justice. They are all political Harlots .
Yesterday the PM of Italy said that B. Gates should be brought to trial for Crimes against humanity. Good statement !
Over here that beast is being given authority over the people with his ACCURSED Poison Vaccines !! He has already Murdered and Crippled thousands of Children in Africa and India. Why is this Demonic Swine walking free running his Lying mouth. The U.S. government is
Totally Insane and Evil. It is Disgusting.

How long will it go on Marcel ?
Until The Fire of The LORD GOD falls on
Babylon America.
Bless you brother,
Samson7able + + +

Marcel Cousineau said...

I copied a d pasted a number of articles from watchdotorg and left out the 1 about Italy and Bill Gates video.
Should have posted it, thanks for sharing.

Yes much violence, greed, queer perversion and evil being fed to the nations by the evil empire

My guess is that Putin & Xi Jinping Iran and their allies will soon destroy America because they will not tolerate the Obama pal, Bradley Manning wickedness, the trans gender perversity .

I believe God has put it in their heads and hearts to destroy US.

Getting hundreds of fake visits to this blog from Goog Anal. Last week it was Russia, over weekend d and yesterday hundreds of fake hits from USA, Today, this morning all at once in 2 minutes 69 hits, all fake visits from Canada by the evil google control freaks and gate keepers.

Thanks brother blessings and peace!