Thursday, May 28, 2020


The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.

Psalm 9:17

‘It’s Real Ugly’: Protesters Rioters Clash With Minneapolis Police After George Floyd’s Death

Protesters Rioters were glad to know the four officers involved were fired, but they say true justice won’t be served until there’s charges and a conviction.

Unrest, Riots Spread to Los Angeles 

About 1,000 protesters rioters descended on LA following the 46-year-old father-of-two died in Minneapolis Monday, moments after a white cop knelt on his neck for eight minutes until he passed out. 

The first break-off protest sprung up in downtown LA Wednesday afternoon and quickly escalated into violence (riots).


Interesting how slow/no justice Trump and his DOJ & FBI are going to deliver some fast justice to Minneapolis... and how often No justice W. Barr passed, delivered no justice for the many crimes of felony Jimmy the Weasel Comey & McCabe 

Many years LATER all the  Obama crimes exposed by journalists like John Solomon, Talk Show host Sean Hannity and many investigative guests (while the FBI & DOJ did nothing but cover them up) we have no justice, just lies and deception from the Trump team.


Nearly four years after President Trump said he was going to drain the swamp, nothing's been drained and not one Obama regime criminal has seen any justice.


It's all been a GREAT lie on the easily duped Kool-Aid drinkers who put their trust in political solutions instead of God !

This week Trump's do nothing deep state pick to lead the still corrupt FBI years ago said he would finally investigate his lawless, corrupt, Gestapo like, no accountability, incompetent organization.

Notice how it's  always useless, dead end investigations and never any arrests?

Just today on the news Trump's deep state pick to lead the corrupt Department of NoJustice William  Barr 
No justice in the evil empire.
Just ask corrupt, losing his mind
Joe Biden and his criminal party.

said after many years of doing nothing that he would "investigate"  High Crimes Obama's unmasking by his henchmen and henchwomen.

It's all a lie, throwing another meatless bone to the naive & gullible sheep who have been easily duped by a very slick Trump who cries alot but never drops the hammer on his adversaries !!!!

There is nothing to investigate as we've know about Obama, Hillary and the crimes of their criminal enterprise for over 3 years.
As with URANIUM 1 and corrupt Elijah Commings and his corrupt wife stealing $10 million from Johnson and Johnson it's all swept under the rug 
by the evil, corrupt system of Satans values.

It's the same shuk n' jive we keep seeing from the worthless Republican Senator 'deep state' Lindsey  Graham who lie and lie about "investigating" as he did with corrupt Joe Biden and the millions $ he helped his son make in Ukraine and China.

That tells you everything you need to know about the FBI's Chris Wray, William Barr at DOJ, and fake Trump.

He never drained the Swamp
He became King of the Sewer

Twitter blocked me from day 1, wouldn't allow me to comment anywhere there YEARS AGO.
Same with Facebook in lawless, godless America where criminals are free and law abiding citizens are turned into criminals.

...and only now Trump says he's going to do something.

I don't believe or trust him.

After "Lock Her Up" at his rallies where he lied and duped his base he gave her a pass.

Because there is no justice in
the evil Empire, God will shake
this most wicked nation up !

By their fruit you shall know them.

Liars don't make it to
Heaven !

Big unaccountable, tyrannical, abusive, spying  global government is evil !


The WHO and nefarious elite tell us hydroxy chloroquine is dangerous and not good to fight their China Bat Virus. They lie.
This drug has been approved SAFE to fight malaria and Lupus for 65 years.

Thousands of Doctors: Yes, Hydroxychloroquine Works Against Wuhan Coronavirus

The reason they lie to us is because the drug is cheap and they can't make much money off it.

I heard many people who had the China virus say that the drug worked and saved their lives.

It's disgusting that the evil media and evil Globalist elite, WHO  and so many liars get away with their lies in these dark and evil days where the truth has become so rare.


Instead the evil elite are lying to sell $$ us a drug that is practically useless ( 11 days sick instead of 14 is their selling point) and they won't tell us about the bad side effects.

Remdesivir Approval Status

It's all about their insatiable greed and murderous plan.

Look at how very popular NY Governor A. Cuomo got away with mass murder by sending China Virus infected patients into nursing homes where thousands died from his blood soaked hands.


If you are a genocidal
murdering Muslim or
member of the
Obama / Hillary Gang
you do not face any justice
in this evil world
That is one of many reasons why God is turning everything upside down !

The ICC, International Caliphate Court in the Netherlands told us after over 10 years of turning a blind eye to Muslim genocidal Dictator Omar al Bashirs Darfur genocide that he would be tried soon in their court.
Another lie they just swept under their filthy, evil rug.

Their She Devil jihad Judge Fatou Bensouda is too busy attacking and trying to drag Israel into Satans court of injustice the ICC.


h/t - samson7able

Italy Blows the Lid Off Vaccine Scam! Will No Longer Poison Citizens with Globalist Eugenics




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India and China Move In More Troops as Border Tensions Rise

China has already placed about 5,000 soldiers and armored vehicles within its side of the disputed border in the Ladakh region, an Indian government official said, asking not to be identified citing rules. India is adding a similar number of troops as well as artillery guns along the border to fend off the continuing incursions by Chinese army.




Japan 'Seriously Concerned' Over Chinese Security Laws for Hong Kong

The COMMUNIST Chinese government’s DRACONIAN security law for the city is fuelling fears that Beijing is imposing its authority and eroding the high degree of autonomy the former British colony has enjoyed under the 'One Country Two Systems' formula since it returned to Chinese rule in 1997.


Anonymous said...

The Protesters want Justice NOW
for that man who did Nothing.
What kind of monsters are in the police force up there ?
We will have to see how far his will go.
Maybe the police are immune from justice like Obama and Hillery ?

You are right Marcel.
How do you know when the government is LYING ?
Vaccines: The Vaccines are Filth and an Abomination to The LORD GOD.
We will not touch the UNCLEAN thing.
Genetic Modification in GOD'S Created Adamic Race is NOT Going to Happen among The Remnant of The LORD GOD.

Cursed be the UN and its Gates Minion.
May The LORD+ send FIRE on the Slaves of satan.

Bless you Marcel,
Samson7able + + +

Marcel Cousineau said...

Amazing how America stumbles from one disaster to another... and they will get bigger and bigger.

The lying media call them protesters but they are rioters and looters, lawless thugs stealing what is not theirs from businesses.

Minneapolis is another godless, reprobate city ruled down to hell by extreme left Democrats.
Their promise of Utopia, paradise are lies. They only deliver hell.

In Abomination USA they will arrest you for trying to reopen your business but rioting looters are safe from arrest.

Cursed are the wicked who trust in and elect evil lying godless politicians.
They now receive their due.

Thanks brother, blessings and peace!

Anonymous said...

Yes Marcel,
It looks like the rioters and looters are taking over the protests and it seems to be growing.
I heard it had spread to LA.
I think the National Guard has been called in in MN.
The political folks had better do something.
As you said, It goes from Bad to Worse in Babylon's Daughter. It will probably get even Worse Yet.
Lets keep watching.

Marcel Cousineau said...

"The political folks had better do something."

They already are doing something.
Stopping churches and businesses from opening up under threat of arrest while allowing rioters and looters free anarchy and to burn down the city.

A sign of things to come in the insane crazed land that forgot God led by godless, worthless, perverted, and extremely stupid politicians.
Hell is at the door in the evil empire where it's pride will be cast down forever never to rise again.
Thanks brother