“And now, listen carefully: I know that none of you, among whom I went about preaching the kingdom, ]will see me again.
For that reason I testify to you on this [our parting] day that I am innocent of the blood of all people.
For I did not shrink from declaring to you the whole purpose and plan of God.
28 Take care and be on guard for yourselves and for the whole flock over which the Holy Spirit has appointed you as overseers, to shepherd (tend, feed, guide) the church of God which He bought with His own blood.
I know that after I am gone, [false teachers like] ferocious wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock;
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They wear white robes & religious garb |
even from among your own selves men will arise, speaking perverse and distorted things, to draw away the disciples after themselves [as their followers].
Therefore be continually alert, remembering that for three years, night or day, I did not stop admonishing and advising each one [of you] with tears.
Acts 20: 25-31
Emperor Constantine's false vision and false conversion is the bad foundation of the modern day Roman Catholic Church.
This crafty Satan inspired event is what brought paganism into Christianity.
Constantine won a great victory on October 28th, 312.
Roman Emperor Constantine was a pagan monotheist, a devotee of the sun god Sol Invictus, the unconquered sun.
However before the Milvian Bridge battle he and his army saw a cross of light in the sky above the sun with words in Greek that are generally translated into Latin as In hoc signo vinces (‘In this sign conquer’).
That night Constantine had a dream in which a counterfeit Christ told him he should use the sign of the cross against his enemies.
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Pagan Roman Catholic's worship dead mens bones. Every one covered by the Blood of the Lamb, Jesus is a saint, from the least to the Apostles |
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Jesus is the head of the Church on earth not some reprobate old Leftist, Globalist exalted fraud who allows his deceived followers to call him Holy Father, what an abomination. |
9 Do not call anyone on earth [who guides you spiritually] your father;
for One is your Father, He who is in heaven.
10 Do not let yourselves be called leaders or teachers; for One is your Leader (Teacher), the Christ.
But the greatest among you will be your servant.
Whoever exalts himself shall be humbled; and whoever humbles himself shall be raised to honor.
Matthew 23: 9
Jesus was never about conquering, never, and He made that fact clear to His disciples, Apostles and ALL His followers.
Because believers were ignorant of the Word of God, Jesus' own words they fell for Satan's second biggest deception in world history only to be eclipsed by the false prophet Mohammed.
Under Satan's wolf Constantine this is where the Churches Jewish roots were severed and pagan practices flourished as the doors to hell were opened wide.
I believe this is why these two false religions are so chummy.
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Aligned with Satan's other religion against Israel |
Emperor Constantine brought paganism into the Church and used the compromised, corrupted religion to keep his faltering empire together.
You can see this evil paganism today in Latin America's Catholic church and everywhere else the false religion is practiced.
This is why Jesus call her the harlot, the whore.
Here is Jesus explaining His anti-conquering message to the Church, all believers and this is why Constantine and modern day Rome are frauds, built on the foundation lies.
And one of those who were with Jesus reached out and drew his sword, and struck [Malchus] the slave of the high priest and cut off his ear.
52 Then Jesus said to him, “Put your sword back in its place; for all those who habitually draw the sword will die by the sword.
53 Do you think that I cannot appeal to My Father, and He will immediately provide Me with more than twelve legions of angels?
Just 1 Legion is 3 to 6 Thousand Angel's !!!!
If Jesus was about conquering then He would have never spoken the opposite so clearly.
This is the primary reason most Jews rejected their Messiah Yeshua. They were looking for a conquering king who would free them from Empire Rome and its oppression.
Christians in America today who are under the Trump spell have fallen into the same deception being "kingdom of this world" minded.
Like Israel rejecting Jesus, they miss the boat and do not have their citizenship in heaven but here.
Their focus on filthy, corrupt politics & deeds prove it !
Jesus replied, “My kingdom is not of this world [nor does it have its origin in this world]. If My kingdom were of this world, My servants would be fighting[hard] to keep Me from being handed over to the Jews; but as it is, My kingdom is not of this world.”
37 So Pilate said to Him, “Then You are a King?” Jesus answered, “You say [correctly] that I am a King. This is why I was born, and for this I have come into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth [who is a friend of the truth and belongs to the truth] hears and listens carefully to My voice.”
38 Pilate said to Him, “What is truth?”
John 18: 36
I was born into this false religion.
My parents sent me to Catholic school from Kindergarten to the twelfth grade, and I served as an Altar boy and in the Choir living only two blocks from the Cathedral that had Mary worship above Jesus - Saint Mary's Cathedral.
WOW That devil is crafty
The Sisters of St. Joseph nuns even had us young naive souls bowing to a statue of Mary and praying.
What an abomination !!!
No where in the Bible or from the Apostles is Mary worship taught, the pagan wolves under Satan's leadership brought it in and all across Central and South America, Europe, etc. idols of Mary and dead saints are worshiped in place of and above Jesus
Here is what Jesus had to say about His mother.
Pay careful and close attention how He puts His Living, life giving Word above His dead mother.
LUKE 11: 27
Now while Jesus was saying these things, one of the women in the crowd raised her voice and said to Him, “Blessed (happy, favored by God) is the womb that gave birth to You and the breasts at which You nursed!”
28 But He said, “On the contrary, blessed (happy, favored by God) are those who hear the word of God and continually observe it.”
The Sign of Jonah
29 Now as the crowds were increasing [in number], He began to say, “This [present] generation is a wicked generation; it seeks a sign (attesting miracle), but no sign will be given to it except the sign of Jonah [the prophet].
30 For just as Jonah became a sign to the people of Nineveh, so will the Son of Man also be [a sign] to this generation
30 For just as Jonah became a sign to the people of Nineveh, so will the Son of Man also be [a sign] to this generation
The wolves of the paganized Church of Rome have put their lies and false teachings above the Word of God.
They made sure to keep the Word of God far away from the sheep and keep it in Latin so they could not understand.
Evil, pure Evil !
This is how Satan got the deceived and on the road to doom and hell sheep to look to Mary and too often to this day portray Jesus as a little baby in Mommas arms.
This GREAT deception has worked too well.
Jesus taught the life and death importance of God's Word something the devil and pagan Rome have kept from their deceived followers for millennia.
Hackers on the other side of the world can take control of your vehicle
Fact is, computer hackers on the other side of the world potentially could — while you’re driving — crash your navigation system, cut your brakes, disrupt your steering or remotely take control of the entire vehicle. Hackers do not need to be in close proximity; all they need is something as simple as internet connectivity. Cars have become heavily connected to the internet.
DID the CIA assassinate journalist Michael Hastings?
“As of October 2014 the CIA was also looking at infecting the vehicle control systems used by modern cars and trucks,” WikiLeaks writes. “The purpose of such control is not specified, but it would permit the CIA to engage in nearly undetectable assassinations.”
Praise GOD for delivering you from your family false religious system.
Family churches are a notorious source of false teaching and indoctrination. Mine was too, but The LORD+ never lat me get indoctrinated by their DEAD Doctrines. They were like Sadducees !! NOTHING supernatural was allowed!
The current Judas Pope is acting VERY MUCH like the False Prophet of Scripture. That would mean that the Secular leader he points everyone to obey is "In the Wings" waiting to appear. We shall see.
It is a MARVELOUS thing to see the Hand of The LORD+ in Delivering you from what would have destroyed your Eternal Soul with it's doctrines of devils.
I spent about 10 years studying and researching the Pre-Nicene Church, first 200-300 years, and believe me, they FOLLOWED JESUS, NOT any man. They were VERY Strong Spiritually and bore the Cross and the Suffering that was inflicted on them by the Power of
The Holy Spirit.
Now we must learn to do the same, and disregard the Apostate "Church" system, BOTH Roman Catholic and reprobate Protestant harlots. Dead as door nails !
Good article !
Samson7able + + +
Thanks brother, so many are deceived and their family tradition pride keeps them slaves to the religion lie they were born into.
My mother came from a small village in Quebec where the Priest was god and supreme king of the town.
Her brother was a Catholic priest, missionary to Ivory Coast and her sister was a Catholic Nun.
It's the hand of God that she did not follow her sister and ended up meeting my dad in downtown Miami Florida.
Still amazed after all these years.
The apostate protestants did not separate far enough from Rome and are rejoining the Whore for the last days.
Like you wrote DEAD AS DOOR NAILS !!!
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