Sunday, January 19, 2020


Headed to Davos to mingle with the other Mammon Kings of the earth. It's all about $$$, @#&*% God, We've replaced Him !!!!!!

Evil gets a pass in America
No justice under Trump and his deep state FBI & DOJ

Evil gets a pass in America 

I went to Iran to celebrate with our enemies and all I got was this picture with Jihad H. Obama

The Americans let me get$ away with murder !

Anti Israel Useless Nations MADE IN THE USA

I screwed up Libya & no one gives me any credit for it !

The reason the Totalitarian left and their media love the death cult so much

The things followers of the false prophet will never tell you

Preparing the world for the Fourth Reich and anti-Christ.
Google wanted to name itself Goebbels but that would have been too obvious !

Evil, Bloodthirsty, and Hate religion - Protected by an evil world system soon to face the obliterating hammer of God !

For false Christs and false prophets will appear and they will provide great signs and wonders, so as to deceive, if possible, even the elect (God’s chosen ones).

Matthew 24:24

It's possible, very possible, especially in America where most Christian's assume they can serve God and $ mammon.


Anonymous said...

Marcel !!!
Excellent surprise Second Post !!

TRULY, This nation Loves and Supports EVIL and LIES, but will Quickly Punish the Truth and the Innocent.

Everything you put in this post is TRUE !
The USELESS NATIONS General Assembly is really a bunch of islamic and Globalist Israel haters.

The UN is Cursed of YHWH since they have constantly cursed and condemned Israel for Simply Existing.
Wicked satanic organization.

Good Post !
I look for ha MASHIACH+ to take unto HIM+ HIS Great Power and Reign from Zion.
Samson7able + + +

Marcel Cousineau said...

AMEN and Thanks brother.
Sad to see so many of Gods people chasing after false hope and lies.
The truth is very unpopular with the God haters.
A d it's even more unpopular with the backslid church who only want their ears tickled and are greatly OFFENDED by the truth that is here at RPD.

They go out of their way to look for the soothing false prophets a d false teachers as they did in Israel before God sent destruction to His people.

Wake up time comes soon for the 10 virgins of Matthew 25.

Praise God and thank you for your comment and prayers.