Israel's stupidity in religiously obeying and following the diabolical US agenda for no-peace has set the stage for a major apocalyptic war, the greatest war it ever will face.
The evil US policy against Israel of forcing them to retreat, and never ending appeasement, always rewarding the Palestinian for their never ending terrorism has only revealed weakness and encouraged more Palestinian terrorism and war.
There is no peace on the horizon because Israel bowed to Washington and not God.
The US agenda of creating another failed Islamic terrorist state in Israel's heartland of Judea and Samaria was birthed in hell by Satan himself.
Israel, having forgotten God and serving worthless, backstabbing Washington idols is still stuck on stupid and will suffer the price of their insane pursuit of peace without God.
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Israel should have left me for dead, but their whore marriage to America made them soft & stupid. |
“When did Israel withdraw from southern Lebanon? It wasn’t a result of negotiations — not in Madrid and not in Washington. It retreated as a result of resistance. When did it retreat from Gaza? After the (Second) Intifada in 2000 and the heroic resistance.
Today we are being called and preparing to force Israel to retreat from Jerusalem and from the West Bank.
Allah willing, this is on the way to its retreat from all of Palestine,” he said
Hamas terrorist Khaled Mashaal
Mashaal calls for guerrilla warfare to ‘liberate West Bank Jewish Judea &Samaria’ and ‘all Palestine’
The former leader of the Hamas terror group has called on West Bank Palestinians to prepare for “guerrilla warfare” in the West Bank and ongoing “resistance” to force Israel to retreat from the territory.
The former leader of the Hamas terror group has called on West Bank Palestinians to prepare for “guerrilla warfare” in the West Bank and ongoing “resistance” to force Israel to retreat from the territory.
Khaled Mashaal said this would be a step on the way to its retreat from “all of Palestine.”
In comments translated by the Middle East Media Research Institute, Mashaal said that according to the Quran, “Jihad, resistance, and self-defense [are] the essence of life.
Why Israel’s retreat from Lebanon marked the birth of today’s apocalyptic Middle East
Idiot, loser, lap dog of Imperial Washington, Lame Minister Ehud Barak, on the afternoon of the withdrawal, described the defense concept of occupying a security zone in South Lebanon as “having run its course.”
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I, the great Israeli loser Ehud Barak, retreated from South Lebanon and my USA pimps rewarded me with a 6 pack of cheap beer ! |
The commander of the Israeli army on May 24, 2000, told the citizens of Israel that after 15 years in the Security Zone in South Lebanon, the IDF had withdrawn. He called the move “historic.” He said the “boys had been brought back home.” There was no mention of victory.
Israel, having forgotten God, now brainwashed by their Washington pimp gods of no peace no longer think about victory but appeasement, surrender and retreat ensuring a catastrophic outcome .
This is why Israel's idolatrous whore/prostitute marriage to Washington needs to end permanently.
REMEMBER that it was Israel's retreat from Gaza in 2005 to please their two timing pimp George Bush in Washington that gave birth to Hamas 3 wars, no peace, and the ever increasing Hamas threat to Israel and no peace, the same happened with Hezbollah in Lebanon, now a major threat to all of Israel.
Morrison also confirmed Australia's support for a final two-state solution with a Palestinian terrorism capital in East Jerusalem.
Perverse Australia doesn't mind dividing Israel's capitol, half for the Islamic terrorism Palestinian enterprise, and the other half for the Jewish people.
How evil you are Australia !!
The West was not so thrilled when the Capitol of Germany, Berlin was divided, but like sick and twisted Australia throwing Israel to the wolves to score points with the death cult of Islam is fine with the treacherous West who have always betrayed the Jewish people.
You shall pay dearly, you hypocrites who reward evil, and assume to punish Israel without cost to yourselves.
The perverted, decadent and doomed West are driven to divide Jerusalem with the ramifications being their own destruction.
It would be nice to see the Capitol of Australia divided to an enemy force bent on Australia's destruction. What you sow is what you shall reap !
For GOD sent not HIS SON+ into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through HIM+ might be saved.
He that believeth on HIM+ is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the Name of the Only-Begotten SON+ of GOD.
John 3: 17-18
Supermarkets face pressure over antibiotics in meat after superbugs found in pork
The World Health Organization (WHO) has warned that antibiotic resistance is a serious threat to human health that risks making everyday surgery and infections life-threatening.
Superbugs in the food chain can cause pneumonia, fever, skin and urinary tract infections and, in extreme cases, death.
Samson7able here;
It is obvious that the USA is setting Israel up for its own purposes and to accomplish its own agenda. There seems to be fellow conspirators inside Israel that are knowingly going along with ANYTHING the U.S says, to the detriment of the land of Israel.
The LORD GOD knows what goes on behind closed doors and over the lengthy phone conversations. It is no secret that these agreements are NOT for Israels good.
When Israel is in such a compromised position the "Nobel" U.S. will step in with their plan to make Jerusalem the property off "The World" for the exercise of the One World Religion, and Peace, Peace, Peace, WHEN THERE IS NO PEACE, but only subterfuge and evil deception.
Very Large American and Free-masonic money will be involved in the building of the so-called Third Temple, but this can only happen when Israel is made to be weakened and SUBSERVIENT to their American ba'al worshippers of the New Atlantis, ie. the USA.
These are just some observations.
They have not been approved by any of the normal lying government agencies. ( We must pretend that we don't know what they are doing.)
May HE+ Who knows the end from the beginning strike them done HARD !
Satan is CRAFTILY using the US led fake peace agenda to destroy Israel. By playing the role of friend and ally it has worked well so far. After President Truman helped to get Israel recognized by the Satan controled UN they have tried to reverse course by removing Israel from the middle of the Islamic world. Thankfully God has other plans, Removing Islam from the world.
I am more concerned about the abomination Dome of the Rock on the Temole Mount than a 3rd Temple. The Greeks desecreted the 2nd Temple with a pig sacrifice and Jesus often went in there after it was cleansed.
Israel has l ready been weakened long ago by way of the false peace process the US is using to restrain and neuter the IDF from defeating any more Arab armies. It has worked well so far but I Know God will remove America from being a stumbling block to Israel VERY SOON!
This goes well beyond the Masons to Satan, anti-Christ himself who is determined to wipe out Israel with the help of all the nations. Have a blessed week and thank you for sharing brother.
Amen Marcel.
I am in agreement with you.
I am watching what the lying deceivers are doing.
The fake peace plan is NO peace.
The LORD+ will stop them.
"He that digs the pit will fall into it."
Soon the watchmans work will be over and the enemy God has raised up for this hour will destroy and then it wI'll be too late to prepare to meet thy God. The door is closing for many on the time to repent and turn awa from evil.
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