And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.
And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.
If any man have an ear, let him hear.
He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints.
Revelation 13:7-10
Who will be alive and remain after the war on the saints ?
For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.
For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:
Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.
Wherefore comfort one another with these words.
1 Thessalonians 4: 15-18
If you believe the false teaching of the early escape rapture then you will most likely not be prepared for what Christians across this evil earth are now suffering, persecution and death.
You've been lied to and are in danger of being of those who fall away because you failed to secure enough oil in your lamp before it's too late.
For many it is going out at the most critical time of gross darkness and tribulation upon the earth before Jesus returns because they chose to be the foolish virgins of Matthew 25.
You've been warned !
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The dragon focuses on China |
For this reason, rejoice, O heavens and you who dwell in them. Woe to the earth and the sea, because the devil has come down to you, having great wrath, knowing that he has only a short time.”
...So the dragon was enraged with the woman (Israel), and went off to make war with the rest of her children, who keep the commandments of God and hold to the testimony of Jesus.
Revelation 12
This is war time, not rapture time !
100 Christians snatched in overnight raids on underground Chinese church
“Even if we are down to our last five, worship and gatherings will still go on because our faith is real,” Li said.
“Persecution is a price worth paying for the Lord. We would rather live through it than to hide our faith and we hope more Chinese churches will speak up and stand with us.”
Iran said to arrest over 100 Christians in crackdown on conversions
Iranian authorities have reportedly arrested over 100 Christians in the past few days, as they seek to crack down on conversions and what they claim is proselytizing by evangelicals.
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Maduro's ace is the base, Russian base that is ! |
Russia Dispatching Blackjack Bombers to Venezuela
Russia is deploying nuclear-capable Tu-160 Blackjack bombers to Venezuela this week as part of an increasingly provocative pattern of bomber training flights, according to American defense officials.
The Tu-160, a supersonic jet that is the largest combat aircraft in the world, is undergoing a major upgrade and carries nuclear-tipped KH-55 cruise missiles, as well as conventional KH-555 and KH-101 conventional cruise missiles.
"In the next several months I expect additional threats including more bomber provocations and possibly significant military action against Ukraine," Schneider said.
Russia has 'unstoppable' supersonic nuclear missile that cannot be traced by Western defence systems, says Putin
“No anti-missile system – even in the future – has a hope of getting in its way,” said the president.
“It was certainly unfortunate to have watched the video animation that depicted a nuclear attack on the United States,”
Many, especially in big target cities won't even have the time to say our last prayer !
UN Approves ISLAM'S Terror, Torpedoes Peace
What Hamas is telling the UN and the rest of the world is: "Now that you have refused to brand us terrorists, we have the right to launch all forms of terrorist attacks and kill as many Jews as possible." Hamas and Islamic Jihad leaders are, in fact, threatening not only to continue, but also to step up, their terrorist attacks on Israel.
Senior Chinese military official urges PLAN to attack US naval vessels in S. China Sea
If the U.S. warships break into Chinese waters again, I suggest that two warships should be sent: one to stop it, and another one to ram it… In our territorial waters, we won't allow US warships to create disturbance."
The LORD opens our ears to His+ Voice when we spend FOCUS time in, on, and with His+ Word.
hat -tip noodles
Early and late
‘The kingdom of heaven is like unto a man … which went out early in the morning to hire labourers … And he went out about the third hour, and saw others standing idle … Again he went out, about the sixth and ninth hour, and did likewise. And about the eleventh hour he went out, and found others standing idle.’ Matthew 20:1,3,5–6
Suggested Further Reading: 2 Chronicles 33:1–13; 34:1–3
Some of us in time and in eternity will have to utter a special song of thankfulness to the love which took us in our days of folly and simplicity, and conducted us into the family of God.
Look at the grace which calls man at the age of twenty, when the passions are hot, when there is strong temptation to plunge into the vices and the so-called pleasures of life. To be delivered from the charms of sin, when the world’s cheek is ruddy, when it wears its best attire, and to be taught to prefer the reproach of Christ to all the riches of Egypt, this is mighty grace for which God shall have our sweetest song.
To be called of the Lord at forty, in the prime of life, is a wonderful instance of divine power, for worldliness is hard to overcome, and worldliness is the sin of middle age. With a family about you, with much business, with the world eating into you as does a canker, it is a wonder that God should in his mercy have visited you then, and made you a regenerate soul. You are a miracle of grace, and you will have to feel it and to praise God for it in time and eternity.
Sixty again. ‘Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots? then may ye also do good, that are accustomed to do evil.’ And yet you have learned; you have had a blessed schoolmaster who sweetly taught you, and you have learned to do well.
Though your vessel had begun to rot in the waters of the Black Sea of sin, you have got a new owner, and you will run up a new flag, and you will sail round the Cape of Good Hope to the Islands of the Blessed, in the Land of the Hereafter.
But what shall I say of you that are called when you are aged? You will have to love much, for you have had much forgiven.
For meditation: Best to come to Christ early (Ecclesiastes 12:1), but better late than never (Luke 23:39–43).
For meditation: Best to come to Christ early (Ecclesiastes 12:1), but better late than never (Luke 23:39–43).
Woman injured in terror shooting recovering; her baby is still critical
“But we needs lots of prayers, the baby is in critical condition,” she said. “We are surrounded by lots of love and support, and I just want to take the opportunity to thank the people of Israel.”
The IDF’s search for the Ofra attackers entered its third day on Tuesday, with troops setting up roadblocks around Ramallah and and conducting a series of raids on nearby Palestinian villages.
Abbas’s office threatened “important and fateful decisions” would be made if the raids on Palestinian cities and “acts of aggression” against Palestinians continue, without elaborating.
The dead end, false hope, worthless idols, of political American Christians revealed again !
Their great hope for the Useless Supreme court turned out to be a darkness serving charlatan.
Kavanaugh Joins Liberals To Protect Pro-Planned Parenthood Ruling
The dissent was significant because it indicates that Justice Brett Kavanaugh sided with the high court’s liberal wing to deny review of a lower court decision that favored the nation’s largest abortion provider.
The man accused of murdering British backpacker Grace Millane in New Zealand has been named as 26-year-old Jesse Kempson.
“Your daughter should have been safe here, and she wasn’t, and I’m sorry for that,”
It also emerged that the suspect had contacted the British backpacker on Facebook, commenting on one of her photos on 1 December.
Excellent Scriptures ! Hopefully some will wake up to the lie of the "Secret pre-trib rapture" and prepare themselves for battle.
The Judas church and the Harlot church are teaching so many lies , that it is hard for the young Christians to tell what is True and Real. To them I say; Learn the words of JESUS by heart, and the words of The Holy Spirit from the Apostles by heart, and follow close to them. Flee from the lying lukewarm apostate denominational fake churches, and FOLLOW JESUS ALONE. You are HIS+ Disciples, not followers of FAKE religious systems.
Excellent post. The stench of a rotting American empire is getting overwhelming. It has reached unto Heaven.
Justice Brett was the great hope for the carnal lukewarm Christians in America Babylon.
They want their idol and Jesus both. I believe they will have neither because they assumed they could serve 2 Masters.
Words of wisdom from you to new believers to look only to Jesus and not trust in man.
Yes America is targeted for destruction and we can see evidence of this wherever we look. Sad for those who are not watching and praying and trusting in lies, liars, politicians and blind religious leaders.
Thanks brother, great comment !
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