The blind celebrate an America that no longer exists !
The three 4 guiding values of America.
Immorality, Greed, Ubiquitous Violence & Unaccountable Corruption.
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An evil godless, divided nation |
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The storm clouds of hell approach |
Vanessa Guillen: Suspect in disappearance of Fort Hood missing soldier kills self when confronted by police
There's no reason why a young beautiful girl who joined the Army, to honorably serve our country, should be in a shallow grave near on our own turf."
There is a reason.
America has become an ugly place full of evil led by godless reprobates.
America - Where evil is elevated and good is destroyed
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Yo bro Farrakhan You're my favorite racist and antisemite. Thanks US Media for helping us advance evil ! |
Insane, Death Wish U.S. Looking For WW III Seeks to Seize Iranian Fuel Bound for Venezuela
U.S. federal prosecutors filed suit late Wednesday to seize four tankers-worth of gasoline Iran is sailing to Venezuela, the latest salvo in the administration’s effort to stifle flows of goods and money helping to keep two of its top foes in power.... while completely ignoring Gamma blowback from Iran and Venezuela's protectors Russia & China.
Nuclear Holocaust Prophecy Dream
July 5, 2005
July 5, 2005
It was a dream or vision what ever you want to call it.
It did not feel that far away the timeline of events.
I was driving in my car early in the morning around maybe 5 am felt like I was coming home from a job at a radio or maybe tv station.
I was listening to the radio and they said that Iranain oil tankers being escorted by russian warships have attempted to cross the US naval blockaid of the Gulf of Oman and that an exchange between US Naval Forces and Russian Warships has occured and that a US navy carrier has been sunk by a low yeild nuclear blast and that we responed with same.
Then shortly after I started to hear the weather sirens and then the Emergency Alert System over the radio.
Then shortly after that The radio announcer's have stated that nuclear weapon explosions have taken out nato miltary headquaters and norad in Colorado then I saw mutable detonations of nuclear weapons not far from where I was at.
Then one more flash of light then I was up.I don't know if this was just a dream or events to come. I only know one thing it felt to real and it felt close.
Friday, July 12, 2019
The Lord saw that the wickedness (depravity) of man was great on the earth, and that every imagination or intent of the thoughts of his heart were only evil continually.
6 The Lord regretted that He had made mankind on the earth, and He was [deeply] grieved in His heart.
7 So the Lord said, “I will destroy (annihilate) mankind whom I have created from the surface of the earth.
from Genesis 6
23 And someone asked Him, “Lord, will only a few be saved [from the penalties of the last judgment]?” And He said to them,
24 “Strive to enter through the narrow door [force aside unbelief and the attractions of sin]; for many, I tell you, will try to enter [by their own works] and will not be able.
25 Once the head of the house gets up and closes the door, and you begin to stand outside and knock on the door [again and again], saying, ‘Lord, open to us!’ then He will answer you, ‘I do not know where you are from [for you are not of My household].’
Rebellion begets Rebellion
Unrepentant Sin brings Destruction.
I saw where the Black Clay County Sheriff in North Florida is going to Deputize all gun owners to stop any BLM Rioters in that area over the 4th.
He called BLM "Godless" radicals who should be stopped. Is Clay county near to you ?
Watching to see what happens in the Daughter of Babylon. The Evil and Corruption is unbelievable.
Bless you Marcel,
Samson7able + + +
The evil and corruption is no longer restrained but rewarded.
The communists no longer hide their plans.
Black Lies Matter was started by trained Marxists who are not stopped by the WORTHLESS FBI WORTHLESS DOJ, WORTHLESS REPUBLICANS as almost everyone surrenders to their evil demands.
The US media traitors and enemy within are not stopped by a feeble Right who are empty suits in retreat.
Handwriting is on the wall. The Black sherriff near Jax will be on the BLM hit list as worthless, corrupt Washington has failed to stop this Democrat Marxist Comm7nist take over.
What will godless USA look like by August ?
As long as the door is open here and I have something to say I will keep on even though the natural man wants to quit
No time to quit, it shall all be over for America Babylon soon enough as our enemies see the unrestrained 5th Column light the fuse that burns America to the ground.
Thanks brother, blessings to your house.
Just heard that a Large city about 60 miles from here has made it Mandatory to wear MASKS at all times when in stores or public places.
If no mask is worn there is a FINE and Possible Jail Time for further infringement.
The Virus, the Virus, the Virus !!!!
Mandatory masks or else have spread everywhere Miami, all of Texas &California, 40 miles from me, and on and on. It should help the corrupt, broke states raise tax revenues that are severely depleted.
It's the Planned-demic of the Globalists.
The way to tell is that the US GOVT GAVE $1.47 million dollars to the Wuhan biowarfare lab for "research, and Bill Gates and the mad scientists had a pre-outbreak exercise back in Oct/November last year and of course it exploded eight after the WEF World Economic Forum in Davos where they plan their ORDER OUT OF CHAOS adenda and their new Mark of Revelation 13 economy.
Just saw a headline at Drudge where California Fuhrer Newsome had made singing, praying in Church illegal verboten even if people are wearing a mask.
Not hard to see who Satan is targeting in all of this. Sure not the Communist rioters, BLM Marxists. Just the remaining good people.
The evil Globalist media COVER UP the VERY LOW MORTALITY rate of this latest outbreak that targets young.
Very few people are dying from this CHINA FLU.
So soon after mass murderer Governors like Andy Cuomo killed thousands of old people by sending carriers of virus into nursing homes to kill them off.
The evil control freak servants of their Master Satan are just practicing on Sheeple Controlfor the arising Pheonix draconian world dis-Order.
Like I wrote a while back it's going to be a bad summer.
Satan knows his time is running out.
Trump is a fraud because he has dropped the Ukraine, China corruption of criminals Joe Biden,(no sleepy Joe, criminal, corrupt Joe) Obama and the rest of the Obama RICO crooks.
No justice in the evil empire USA. So God will bring it down on their heads. Look for things to go to hell here, Psalm 9:17.
Curfew in Miami.
President promises to protect stone monuments in S. Dakota while the fabric, soul, morality of the nation has been ripped asunder.
...and the blind idol worshipers love it so.
Zechariah 12:3 kjv -God warned those who burden themselves with Jerusalem would be cut in pieces, severely injured.
God had divided this land asunder and there is no turning back, no salvation in Trump. Only delusion and GREAT bloodshed coming.
Ezekiel 9 today for those who CELEBRATE 4the of July instead of mourning in sackcloth and ashes.
Blessings to those who do not worship and serve worthless idol and bow to King Jesus alone.
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