Saturday, November 30, 2019

The Decline And Fall of The West

Ever since the West abandoned Jesus and the Judeo-Christian foundation that made us GREAT for another shot at the Tower of Babel/Globalism Confusion, it's been as steady swirl down the toilet.


When I see the fools in the West with their calls for tolerance on our part and never on the part of Muslims, they ignore the reality that Islam is based on intolerance and the only duty infidels have is to submit to this evil religion or die. How brainwashed the people of the West have become, ripe for destruction.

The invasion is under way in Europe and here in America. God's judgment on the wicked and there is nothing we can do to stop it. He has given us wicked leaders to lead this godless nation to destruction.

Some facts that the failed, corrupt, lying, diabolical U.K. Government would like to cover up from yesterdays Islam inspired attack on innocent victims who happened to be non believers in the false prophet Mohammed.

Now Dead infidels who bought the lie of their evil, reprobate, lying leaders that Islam is a religion of peace, when all the evidence points in the opposite direction.

The Muslim terrorist was released from a lax British prison & system that is very tolerant and protective of Islams terrorism.

The merciless Muslim was shown mercy and green-lighted to hunt down and kill British citizens even though the criminally negligent system ruled by incompetents with innocent blood on their hands KNEW he was a real threat and connected to the jihad war being waged by IsIam on we infidel's across the world.

The West is ruled by reprobates who have betrayed their people for the cause of Satanic Globalism.

The Ancestors of The Modern Day Brits / European's Wern't This Stupid!

They knew what Islam was all about.

London Bridge terrorist and Anjem Choudary's 'personal friend' Usman Khan was AUTOMATICALLY freed after serving seven years - less than HALF his 16-year sentence for plotting Mumbai-style terror attack on London and assassination of Boris Johnson

The criminals who are responsible for this from the top UK Government Officials on down should be arrested and imprisoned for a long time !



“We’re playing Russian roulette with people’s lives, letting convicted, known, radicalized jihadi criminals walk about our streets.

This is what civil war looked like in Israel, a land ruled by corrupted leaders, a divided nation which became very tolerant of evil and where GREAT freedom to do what thou wilt

...was a way of life just as it is in America and the West

God's Judgment upon Ahab’s House


Anonymous said...

Great to see your post this morning !

The U.K. is run by TOTAL REPROBATES, just like the U.S.

All things muslim are OK, but do NOT open your mouth against our pet muslim jihadists, or we will punish you.

Now two are dead and others in the hospital because of these idiots.
I agree that they should be arrested and put in orison to serve AT LEAST the remainder of that 16 year sentence given to the murderer.

YES, they are stupid, but they are also VERY EVIL and serve the EVIL AGENDA they have been instructed to serve.

The muslims are the Killing Machine of the Globalists ( The Ten Kings ).
They WANT them to be free to reak havoc and terrorize the worlds populace. The regular people have NOTHING to say about it !!

Thank you for posting today brother.
The LORD+ grant you HIS+ Peace.
Samson7able + + +

Marcel Cousineau said...

Right on, they serve their every master Sayan and give a pass to his religion, being g very happy with the terror, destruction and murder it brings to the UK, Europe and USA. This makes it easier for these devil's to roll out their Totalitarian police state where the sheep are no longer free, only the death cult of Islam is.
The Muslim mayor of London did not identify the terrorist as a Muslim just like the Govt. Media didn't.
They lie and coverup for their master Satan who is the father of lies
Thanks brother. Blessings.
Don't clickk on any popups even those that look OK. Had 1 from google, YouTube and my Email provider today, all bogus.
I guess the spooks don't like the messages I'm posting ?
Glad you do !

Maybe the only one ???

Anonymous said...

I am sure that there are many others who like your truthful posts. I wish I could buy you your own website, totally free from Google and the "Controllers".
If every one of your subscribers would send you a dollar or two that could be done . I am wondering if DuckDuckGo has a way to have a Google free Blog site ?? We use them as our search engine because no one can track you through their engine. Keep preaching brother !! <(((>< + + +

Marcel Cousineau said...

Duck is all I'm using now and google is working hard to take over everything along with the hackers.
Lots of phony popups and fake clickbait text messages.
Thank God you don't have a smarmy spy phone.
No matter how hard I try to remove spy stuff it's built into the phones.
The Beast System is here!
I'm still praying about a new website but I don't think there is any place left to run to for truth message. So many CHRISTIAN Ministries just compromise and keep silent on the messages I share. That and they just tickle ears for $.
The last time I got help to move to Wordpress it was a set up from a bad fellow.
Sorry about the bad spelling, it's the AI on the phone and my fat fingers on this tiny keyboard.
Thanks for your prayers and help

Marcel Cousineau said...

Just lost the large comment I left.
These smart spy phones and my fat fingers have their downside.
I only use Duck now. Google is built into these smartphones from the factory and they ALWAYS spy.
Thanks for the prayers and help.
I don't know if there is any website host that is free truly free speech anymore Most Christian's ministries don't go near the subjects I post, they are in compromise and retreat to stay online.
Eventually like the freedom hating British control freak Govt. they will make e everyone now and take the mark except for a remnant.
Sorry about mispelling, it's my fat fingers and this bad A.I. on the tiny phone keyboard.
The last time I moved from this blog to Wordpress it was a set up from a false rescuer. I thank God I didn't shut down this blog and kept it open.
So praise God, He s kept the door open and things could be much worse.
Blessings and tha is brother.

Marcel Cousineau said...

Excuse the duplicate, didn't see it get posted until now. Shalom y'all.