Before he was replaced by corrupt lying Democrat Adam Schiff, Republican Chairman of the House Intel Committee Devon Nunes referred 6 Obama criminals, (Democrats) over to the noJustice Department for prosecution.
It all got swept under the rug, disappeared.
For over three years most of us who have been paying attention already know all the crimes and criminals (still free) in the report that useless Inspector General Horowitz should have released in May and will finally release in early December.
Another dog & pony show with no teeth, no justice coming !
I didn't buy the lies they fed the talking head fools as to why it was taking so long.
An old & true saying you do not hear anymore in utterly corrupt America;
Justice delayed is justice denied !
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Christians-The easiest people in the world to con. |
It's all been a scam from the beginning. As I told a Trump Kool-Aid drinker;
How many rats from the LAWLESS Obama criminal regime have seen any justice and how many from the other side (scam Trump) are now in prison ?
This 1 fact alone tells us that the show is rigged in favor of the criminals who have long ago hijacked the sewer that is known as Washington.
It plays into the Trump scam for the media and Democrats to have all the power to attack and for him and Republicans to do nothing, NEVER play offense, attack the Democrat criminals, but only move their lips or go into hiding.
Since Trump is so impotent and only Republicans are speedily imprisoned, while the Trump frauds investigate and give the real Democrat criminals a pass, you supporters who keep hoping for any justice have been played.
This is evident by Trump's choice, corrupt, do nothing Chris Wray to replace corrupt ex-FBI chief & criminal Jimmy 'the weasel' Comey who is still a free man.
The same goes for Trump's pick for Department of noJustice head A.G. William 'Deep State' Barr who has given the Obama criminal regime a clean bill of health, maybe he will thow a few low level rats under the bus, maybe, just to keep the charade going and to appease the naive Trump Kool-Aid Cult ?
The fact that worthless do nothing Republicant Speaker of the House Republican rotten Paul Ryan practically gave the House to creep Pelosi and the rotten Democrats, and that they are the one's conducting hearings and show trials to cover up for the Obama crimes, and the worthless Republicans in the Senate have done nothing, absoutedly nothing to bring justice and clean out the sewer says it all.
Remember when Trump said he was going to release the declassified FISA warrants to us, the public back in May but then decided to hide it from us and gave it to Deep State W. Barr instead ?
Trump gave those paying attention more evidence that he is a fraud.
The same A.G. Barr who has decided that Jeff Epstein killed himself and sells this crap to the public and has given a pass to criminal's Comey and McCabe, two high hanging fruit that the blind fool leading the other blind fools Sean Hannity called low hanging fruit.
When I grow up I want to be a lawless, corrupt, greedy politician and get away with millions & murder |
They should have been handcuffed long ago along with Eric 'the Red' Holder, Clapper, Brennan, Loretta Wench, Obama, Hillary, Susan Rice, Biden and the rest of the sewer rats.
It's no surprise that after worthless Republican Jeff Sessions, Trump's pick for A.G. gave the thirty dozen felonies, felony & Witch Hillary a pass as well as Lawless Obama that it's all the same under his picks No Justice Barr and still corrupt FBI chief Chris Wray. The game remains the same, rigged.
It's easy to deceive those who put their trust in any politicians and not God, very easy.
Did you know that 3 years in not a section of the border wall has been built, just old sections replaced ?
It's a rigged scam on the Right, the few who are against the Globalist agenda that has made Washington the sewer that it is, a sewer that Trump has not drained but become a slick, crafty, scamming part of.
Spineless RINO's in the Senate like Lindsey Graham, and Mitch McConnell have done nothing to hold the lawless Obama and Democrats accountable and they have allowed this Democrat, Muller, Pelosi, Schiff, witch hunt to go on for three years with no real powerful resistance, just lies and false promises of justice.
If you think Deep State Barr or Attorney Durham who was tasked to investigate the Obama 2019 high crimes is going to bring any justice you are naive.
Trump Lawyer Rudy Giuliani was sent to Ukraine to find evidence of Obama Democrat crimes and corruption (Biden,Obama corruption) and he found it.
“I expected, the moment I heard Biden’s name, I told my colleagues, they’re going to try to kill me,”
“You should have jumped all over this in 2015 when this awful conflict was mentioned and it was hidden and suppressed by the Washington press,” he continued. “The reality is, I’m embarrassing you because you didn’t do your job, and I’m also going to bring out a pay-for-play scheme in the Obama administration that will be devastating to the Democrat Party.”
What I heard him say to Fox news Ed Henry Friday exposes the whole Trump Barr Deep Scam. He told the reporter;
No one wants to look at the evidence, the proof of corruption and crimes.
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If you secretly show partiality.
“Will not His majesty terrify you,
And the dread of Him fall on you?
“Your memorable sayings are proverbs of ashes,
Your defenses are defenses of clay.
Job 13:10-12
So why is 'No Justice' William Barr getting away with the charade and not doing his job that Trump has to send out his lawyer ?
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Someone is above the law in the evil empire USA |
The corrupt Washington Sewer has been overflowing for a long time and Trump has proven incapable of draining even half a pint of it.
It's no accident that Tweeter Trump is powerless, it's part of the rigged game being played on the anti- globalist targets.
As always even under art of the scam Trump, the lawless left, the most evil Democrats get a pass and there are not arrests of the real criminals.
Man, who is born of woman,
Is short-lived and full of turmoil.
“Like a flower he comes forth and withers.
He also flees like a shadow and does not remain.
“You also open Your eyes on him
And bring him into judgment with Yourself.
“Who can make the clean out of the unclean?
No one!
“Since his days are determined,
The number of his months is with You;
And his limits You have set so that he cannot pass.
“Turn Your gaze from him that he may rest,
Until he fulfills his day like a hired man.
Job 14
Truly Marcel.
Something REALLY does stink.
NO JUSTICE against the murdering criminals
that have inhabited the D C demon hole.
Mr. T keeps picking those who are his enemies, and appointing them to top posts !!? Does he have a " Director" telling him what to do ?
Everyone on earth knows that America is totally corrupt.
As you said, a game is being played.
Those who worship America are EASILY fooled.
A SCAM for sure.
Bless you this morning brother.
Samson7able + + +
It's all a set up from the pit of hell. REV. FRANKIE GRAHAM came out the other day on the side of Satan's A team against Satan's B team.
It's setting up the judgment that begins at the house of God that ran to the CORRUPT, stinking polluted political well and away from Jesus.
These ackslid saints love this evil corrupt world more than Jesus and they are too blind to realize the trap they have fallen into.
Foolishly trying in their works of the flesh to save this most evil, wicked nation that is beyond repair
Even South Korea, Brazil and Peru sent their corrupt leaders to prison. Here In America they are the protected class.
Thanks brother, blessings in Messiah Jesus.
This will not end well for backslid Christians in America Babylon.
Judgment is at the door.
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