Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Abomination UNHRC Geneva War Against God & Israel


Protest the UN's Unprecedented Assault on Israel on March 18 in Geneva


The UN replaces God with man centered worship and unites all the false religions of the earth under it's umbrella whose name is Satan.


Behold, the nations are like a drop from a bucket, And are regarded as a speck of dust on the scales; Behold, He lifts up the islands like fine dust.
Isaiah 40:15


Useless Nation's Hell's Rebellious Coalition 

God has a special way of dealing with those who rise up against Him and His Israel especially Satan's seat, the UN.
It's pretty cut and dry, uncomplicated.

And in that day I will set about to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.
Zechariah 12:9


cut into little pieces

UN staff and humanitarian workers among victims of Ethiopian Airlines crash

The airline said passengers from at least 35 countries were on the flight, often referred to as a "UN shuttle" for ferrying staff between Addis Ababa, home of the African Union headquarters, and Nairobi, the UN's headquarters in Africa.

But the plane was particularly full due to the UN Environment Assembly, which began on Monday. The summit, described as the world's highest-level decision-making body on the environment, brings together member states to tackle environmental challenges.

We lost UN staff, youth delegates traveling to the Assembly, seasoned scientists, members of academia and other partners."

The dead included at least 32 Kenyans, 18 Canadians, nine Ethiopians, eight people from the United States, China and Italy, and seven from France and the United Kingdom.



[The evil UN turned a blind eye to Sudan's Muslim leader & genocide mastermind of Darfur who has had an unenforced arrest warrant issued many, many years ago by the worthless, unjust ICC, because Satan protects his own and only goes after Israel.]

I would not live near any United Nations host city like Geneva or NYC, or get on a plane like Pius Adesanmi did with so many worker-bee's of this evil UN organization that has declared war on Him and Israel. 

This new plane nose dived into the earth and there is only a small impact crater with small pieces to pick up as a testament to the violent and gruesome death of so many, most of these people unprepared to meet their Maker.

When the crash occurred I heard a news report from ABC radio that the pilot reported an explosion, and that was the first and last time I heard that.
Yesterday I heard from same news that witnesses saw smoke coming from the rear of the plane as it nose dived into the earth.

Now I don't hear that.
You have to think, to understand; what causes smoke/fire on a new jet, but the gatekeepers and their fake news don't want you to think too much. Could another cover up be in the works ?
They've gotten away with so many in the past that it's become very easy to deceive the masses.

They are pro's at it !


Ethiopian Airlines plane crash 

This is the Facebook post that Professor Pius Adesanmi wrote before boarding the ill-fated Ethiopian Airlines flight ET302.

"If I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, even there your hand shall lead me, and your right hand shall hold me," 

the verse, identified in the post as Psalm 139:9-10, reads.


Poodle Benji, making sure Israel's enemies are in GREAT shape

Twisted globalist serving politician Netanyahu is what's wrong with Israel.
He helps those who are committed to exterminate Israel and feeds the naive his perverted reasoning. This is beyond stupidity it is evil on his part, it is treason, an abomination. 

Netanyahu: Money to Hamas part of strategy to keep Palestinians divided

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu defended Israel regularly allowing Qatari funds to be transferred into Gaza, saying it is part of a broader strategy to keep Hamas and the Palestinian Authority separate, a source in Monday’s Likud faction meeting said. Netanyahu explained that, in the past, the PA transferred the millions of dollars to Hamas in Gaza. He argued that it was better for Israel to serve as the pipeline to ensure the funds don’t go to terrorism.

Perverted Netanyahu 'supervises' instead of defeating the enemy

“Now that we are supervising, we know it’s going to humanitarian causes,” the source said, paraphrasing Netanyahu.

Blind fool Netanyahu who serves the agenda of his evil masters and not God makes sure those who slaughter Jews are healthy and strong.

The prime minister also said that, “whoever is against a Palestinian state should be for” transferring the funds to Gaza, because maintaining a separation between the PA in the West Bank and Hamas in Gaza helps prevent the establishment of a Palestinian state.

What garbage from the idiot leading Israel to catastrophe, all to please his latest Washington Pimp



The fact that radical Islamic dictator Erdogan's Turkey is still a member of NATO reveals how quickly the West has slid down to hell.

Psalms 9:17

Temple Mount, Jerusalem is God's time bomb as I wrote days ago !!!


Thanks for your prayers !

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