The closing age where this generation with so much advanced science and technology is the most deceived generation ever on this earth. They have been so easily deceived and dumbed down to ignore God and His judgments upon His wicked and rebellious Creation on a global scale.
These deceived and doomed souls do not understand or know that they are electing, voting for their smooth talking deceivers & destroyers who will lead them to hell.
They are deceived and doomed because they put their trust in man and not God.
The Third Seal—Famine
These deceived and doomed souls do not understand or know that they are electing, voting for their smooth talking deceivers & destroyers who will lead them to hell.
They are deceived and doomed because they put their trust in man and not God.
Thus says the Lord,
“Cursed is the man who trusts in mankind
And makes flesh his strength,
And whose heart turns away from the Lord.
Jeremiah 17:5
The Third Seal—Famine
When the Lamb opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, “Come!” I looked, and there before me was a black horse! Its rider was holding a pair of scales in his hand.
Then I heard what sounded like a voice among the four living creatures, saying, “Two pounds of wheat for a day’s wages, and six pounds of barley for a day’s wages, and do not damage the oil and the wine!”
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It's not HAARP or man created, It's not 'climate change' it's God ! ..and He is sending His judgments to this rebellious, wicked, perverted planet. |
Speak Of The Bible: Locust Swarms Imminent In Egypt, Saudi Arabia
What makes these insects so dangerous is their threat to food security.
Therefore, a swarm of about 40 million locusts eats the same amount of food in one day as about 35,000 average people. A swarm reaching the size of Paris would eat the same quantity of food in 24 hours as half the population of France.
“When a locust swarm lands, it can cause crop losses of 80-100 percent,” Dr. Arianna Cease, Director of the Global Locust Initiative at Arizona State University, told The Media Line.
notice how the centers of Islam are the target of God's judgment here
India Pakistan tensions heat up after Kashmir attack
All Skewered News Pipeline, associates of Steve Quayle deceive their readers
Here Comes 'The Plague': This Is Part Of The Globalists Plan To 'Cull' Us All - Sickening Video Shows American Cities Descending Into Shambles
By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die
A wicked nation which has forsaken God DOES NOT DESERVE FREEDOM and will no longer be free!
Stefan 'the blind' Stanford. This is why God is sending a bumper crop of dark and evil hearts, a slew of depraved, mad, corrupt, leftist, lying Communist's, Marxists DemocRats to run for president and why the worthless corrupt, lying Republicans stand for nothing but themselves and their profits.
All Skewered News Pipeline associates of Steve Quayle deceive their blind sheep. They focus all of their facts and information in the WRONG DIRECTION.
The blind leaders of the blind often quote Deagle but hardly if ever God and His Word when it comes to bringing judgment on nations like Empire America.
The right wing always point their finger at the left wing of the same dirty bird they are a part of, always ignoring that it is God who is sending the coming tumult and turning America into a hell hole.
Of course the Communist's like Obama, the far left, perverted, godless Democrats and the spineless, worthless Republicans, one worthless group they left out, are behind so much of the things they write about in this article..... but they leave out the most important fact.
It is God who is bringing this destruction to cursed America for it's wickedness and the evil that has polluted His churches here in the land that forsook God.
One Bible verse ANP will never quote or educate you on is
Psalm 9:17
The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.
....because it may damage their number'$, the many tickled ears who become so easily offended by the hard truth they are unwilling to speak, and it explains clearly what and why this great American divide and destruction is happening here in the now cursed land that forgot God.
So many false shepherds, fake Christians, and crafty hustlers on the internet are in it for the money, and not to turn backslid, worldly Christians and sinner to repentance.
Instead they will always tickle the ears of their followers, and never lead them to examine their sin encrusted and deceived hearts.
All they do is get unprepared, deceived Christians angry and to focus their rage on the B TEAM, assuming wrongly they are on God's A TEAM, instead of repenting and mourning for the judgments of God that must start at His house (them).
For them it's a business.
They are the modern day merchants, hustlers in the House of God, fleecing the easily seduced flock for sorid gain.
“Can the Ethiopian change his skin
Or the leopard his spots?
Then you also can do good
Who are accustomed to doing evil.
Jeremiah 13:23
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spiritual wickedness & perversity in high places |
Nun to Vatican abuse summit: "This storm will not pass by"
VATICAN CITY — A prominent Nigerian nun has blasted the culture of silence in the Catholic Church that has long sought to hide clergy sexual abuse, telling a Vatican summit that transparency and an admission of
“7 Reasons”—NEW Pro-Life Movie 2019 TRAILER
hat tip - noodles
The greatest trial on record
‘The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord, and against his anointed.’ Psalm 2:2
Suggested Further Reading: Ephesians 4:17–24
This day I put before you Christ Jesus, or your sins.
The reason why many come not to Christ is because they cannot give up their lusts, their pleasures, their profits. Sin is Barabbas; sin is a thief; it will rob your soul of its life; it will rob God of his glory. Sin is a murderer; it stabbed our father Adam; it slew our purity. Sin is a traitor; it rebels against the king of heaven and earth. If you prefer sin to Christ, Christ has stood at your tribunal, and you have given in your verdict that sin is better than Christ. Where is that man? He comes here every Sunday; and yet he is a drunkard! Where is he? You prefer that reeling demon Bacchus to Christ.
Where is that man? He comes here. Yes; and where are his midnight haunts? The harlot and the prostitute can tell! You have preferred your own foul, filthy lust to Christ. I know some here that have their consciences often pricked, and yet there is no change in them. You prefer Sunday trading to Christ; you prefer cheating to Christ; you prefer the theatre to Christ; you prefer the harlot to Christ; you prefer the devil himself to Christ, for he it is that is the father and author of these things. ‘No,’ says one, ‘I don’t.’ Then I do again put this question, and I put it very pointedly to you—‘If you do not prefer your sins to Christ, how is it that you are not a Christian?’
I believe this is the main stumbling-stone, that ‘Men love darkness rather than light, because their deeds are evil.’ We come not to Christ because of the viciousness of our nature, and depravity of our heart; and this is the depravity of your heart, that you prefer darkness to light, put bitter for sweet, and choose evil as your good.
For meditation: We ought to fear and serve God (Joshua 24:14–24); if we won’t, the only choice left to us is to follow one false way or another and serve sin in either its scandalous or more sophisticated forms. The intention to serve God is not something to be professed lightly, but by God’s grace it is possible to serve him. Whom do you serve ‘this day’?
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