Whether it’s in the areas that once made up the caliphate or the media landscape, he said, “it’s the ideology that must be defeated in tandem with the fighters.”
It's ideology is pure evil Islam
Something BLIND western leaders and experts are too stupid to figure out.
Islamic State's caliphate is all but finished, but its online presence endures
Though Islamic TERROR State once enjoyed free rein on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and Telegram (the latter remains home to dozens of Islamic State channels), social media giants are now much faster at policing and removing extremist content.
“Some of their operations’ planning occurs in chats for internet games,”
only one way to defeat a lie,
the truth !
You won't believe this Iranian's personal revolution!
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Why is Kim taking a train to Hanoi? So he can bring his fiddle to play proud President Trump |
Expectations low as Trump looks for win in North Korea summit
“If I were not elected president, you would have been in a war with North Korea,” Trump said last week. “We now have a situation where the relationships are good — where there has been no nuclear testing, no missiles, no rockets.”
Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.
Proverbs 16:18
Like godless America, Trump is too pompous, too full of himself, no thoughts of God who brings war and peace, only himself, he's the face of 'pride that leads to destruction', America.
This tells me that a very bad outcome is coming to arrogant America, especially after we made a mess of the Middle East, and now assuming Empire America has replaced God, are sticking our filthy, failed, corrupt, proud noses in Venezuela, and madly, insanely, suicidaly pushing our fake peace scam to carve up Israel and Jerusalem to God's enemies.
I get the strong sense that God has tired of this imposter to the Throne
Prepare for the long overdue, and coming sudden destruction !
For when they say, “Peace and safety!” then sudden destruction comes upon them, as labor pains upon a pregnant woman. And they shall not escape.
1 Thessalonians 5:3
an excellent message for this hour !!!
Dark Thirty! 2 24 19
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Many are not buying the big slime green staged event in Rome by deceiver Pope Frankie |
Pope Francis condemns clerical sexual abuse but offers no new solutions
"in the near future " means, after the heat has passed it's back to normal for the dark and evil religion which deceives and damns so so many souls to hell.
How is it that so many homosexual's and child sex predators got through the seminary and became predator priests ?
So established Church leaders, Bishops and Cardinals are too immoral or stupid and now need a "handbook" to do the right thing ?
What garbage, and how easily the dumb sheep who follow corrupt religious men instead of Messiah Jesus are deceived.
They don't use the BIBLE or even believe the Word of God in this Paganized Christianity of Rome so they need to make up a 'handbook'
Thank you Marcel,
I got a little ahead of myself yesterday !
Hope I did not cause confusion.
Thank you for posting the Warning.
It came at 2:00 in the morning.
Hope all is well at your house.
The rain has finally ceased here and we have some sunshine !
Watching things take shape.
Not sure what you mean, guess I nissed it. Getting old here and missing a few things every day.
I planned to post message today, forgot, and the Lord reminded me a while later. Probally need to start writing everything down while I still know how to write.
Saw there are landslides, floods in you state. Spring has sprung here, hope and pray a freeze does not wipe out all the budding fruit trees.
Praise God, either way I know Habakkuk's prayer.
Blessings brother.
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