“Behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to render to every man according to what he has done.
I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.”
Blessed are those who wash their robes, so that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter by the gates into the city.
Outside are the dogs and the sorcerers and the immoral persons and the murderers and the idolaters, and everyone who loves and practices lying.
Revelation 22
Of the many sins of the Democrats, their pompous arrogance and pointing their filthy fingers at other while they are guilty of much, much worse evil.
Maybe God has had enough ?
I sure hope so !
Since the August eclipse that cut across America I've noticed some strange happenings.
Democrat mega donors like mega pervert Harvey Weinstein have been shut down.
Child molester, pervert, and leftist (Democrat) Hollywood A list Kevin Spacey along with so many others are exposed to the light for what they have always been for decades. This is the hand of God and it has only begun with filthy, abomination America for all the word to see.
So what do we in America have to be proud about President Trump AND WHY IS THERE NO NATIONAL REPENTANCE and dealing with our national sins ?
Like B.J. Clinton and his reprobate wife Hillary Clinton, who were given a pass for their perversity and corruption for decades by the Democrat party of perverts and lawless power brokers of corruption, the filthy degenerates always got away with their wickedness and were never held accountable... until now.
As the reprobate Democrat Party and their repugnant media try and take down President Trump we've had the outing of their mega donors (Harvey) and perverts in the party like pre-eclipse pervert A.Weiner and so many others.
The lying propaganda media can't protect all their perverts and corrupt, lying, fellow extreme leftists.
The Democrat party of hypocrites, corrupt liars, baby killers, and perverts lost another mega donor this week to 'mental illness' proving once again that the party of perverts and hypocrites is sick unto death.
The deep divisions between Americans has only grow deeper since the eclipse that divided America in two.
.... And the Democrats who were once immune to any accountability, thanks to their media sluts, are finding out that God hates liars and hypocrites.
Democratic mega donor Mostyn dies amid 'mental health issue'
AUSTIN, Texas -- Democratic mega donor Steve Mostyn, a powerful Texas trial lawyer and prominent backer of liberal causes and candidates, has died after what his wife called "a sudden onset and battle with a mental health issue." He was 46.
In a statement Thursday, Amber Mostyn didn't confirm a cause of death. But she said: "If you or a loved one are thinking about suicide, or experiencing a health crisis, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline."
As President Barack Obama was being re-elected in 2012, Mostyn, his wife and his Houston-based law firm contributed nearly $5 million to the Democratic Party and its candidates for federal office, making them the United States' 10th-largest donors.
Will the Clinton's and Obama and his criminal regime ever see justice in America ?
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Mugabe, out of a job because he forgot who the real boss is |
Is Zimbabwe a Chinese Colonial Plantation ?
Mnangagwa, widely believed to be behind the plot to oust Mugabe and his most likely successor as president, is another long-time friend and collaborator with the Chinese. A former freedom-fighter, he received ideological and military training in Beijing and Nanjing in the 1960s.
Amen Marcel.
We MUST pray about everything. Don't just move in haste out of habit. Ask the LORD'S+ Counsel about everything. The days are too dark and the evil is too great to move otherwise.
This society has been trained now for years by T.V., movies, video games, internet films, that human life is worth nothing and self gratification is all that matters.
The attitude of "If you get in my way I will kill you, and I'm justified in doing so" has been drilled in. Many are under direct influence of demons. Human life means nothing to demons.
Very sad story.
Samson7able <(((><
LIFE has gotten so much cheaper in America Babylon since killing unborn babies became the law of the land.
If you are an older person, the danger to your life from the Hollywood, government school brainwashed youth is much greater than it has ever been.
The area where they found Carlos' burned out truck is Pine Hills, also known as Crime Hills.
No doubts in my mind that the killer was someone who was let out of prison early and should have never been let out.
The godless system is broken, a failure and now coming crashing down and the innocent suffer and die.
Amen, and Thanks for your comment brother.
Hi Marcel,
You wrote, "Blessed are those WHO WASH their robes." We don't hear too much of that happening these days. So many feel god is happy with who they are bec they believe, gloat and saunter around with their contemplative prayerless life, yet have no idea what it means to wash their robes. We know it is by Jesus Christ and Him crucified that we can even speak His name, let alone be saved. I agree with you 100% about the eclipse and how we are witnessing the flood gates of hell opened wider.
Truly a very sad story about the sweet man who only wanted to help. I am going to send the article to my son. I feel he needs to read it. Thank you for that. God help us...
Be blessed in Christ!
"Blessed are those WHO WASH their robes."
What you will hear in apostate Christianity is;
The spotless robes words of Jesus is off their radar.
I found that sad story about the vet in Deltona later in the afternoon and was led to put it up on the message I wrote earlier this morning.
Glad to hear it could very well help your son and help keep other people more alert as these are not normal times.
separating the goat from the sheep is in progress, those who look to politics and men to repair what can not be repaired are wasting their lives on vanity and
Jesus is and should be our only hope, not swamp politicians.
Does health care reform or tax reform stop nuclear ICBM's ?
A waste of breath and time without true repentance for believers. The pagans have hardened their hearts beyond repentance, ergo, reprobates.
The harvest is ripe and the wicked (weeds) are ready, ready, ripe for the fire.
Good to hear from you.
I noticed that the Sheriff's office called Cruz "a good person" rather than "a good man". This may seem like a minuscule thing, but the reflexive use of the gender-neutral pronoun is another indication of how brainwashed we a a society are. I'm getting really sick of this pussyfooting around, watching language constantly so as not to offend the godless. Sign me, Disgruntled. Bless you, Marcel.
Good catch, I wonder how many people miss this brainwash by the media "words have meaning" extravaganza ?
The one that really irritate me is "partner" instead of husband or wife.
These perverts, I'm so rejoicing that God shall stop them, as only He can.
Thanks and keep on keeping on the good fight, cause no one else will.
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