America's largest Evangelical Christian University, Liberty University in Lynchberg, Virginia invited President Trump to speak to their 2017 graduating class.
The President whose first major act was to declare war on God by dividing up His land for a sham peace scam, Palestinian State in Israel's heartland, a plan hatched in hell by Satan. (See Joel 3:2)
This reveals the terrible condition of the church in America today, blind, apostate, headed for judgment, persecution and the great tribulation, asleep and unprepared.
(more on the blind sheep and Trump below)
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MAGA, strong delusion targeting the foolish virgins |
And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.
2 Timothy 4:4
One of Satan's many crafty weapons he uses against Christians is the diversionary tactic. He pulls us away from what is on God's heart, what is truly important at this late hour. Because it is not necessarily sin and peaks our interest, we are drawn away by it.
First and foremost is daily repentance, turning away from our besetting sins, working hard on holiness, with which no man will see God, being totally surrendered to Jesus Christ and allowing Him to rule over us totally as Lord and Savior.
No other gods or idols before Him, nothing, none, no one.
That should be first, but so many of the sheep are pursuing the latest empty, dead end fad, the latest questionable revelations and hidden secrets sold by the prolific book writers who are nothing more than instruments of many distractions to the silly sheep.
So many read books that take them away from reading God's word, seeking Him, drawing nearer and getting to know what is front and center, on His mind and getting to know His voice. We give frail, faulty men and con-men our ears, wallets and undivided attention, men who lead us away from the living water to polluted waters, mixture, and confusion.
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Why are the greedy hucksters and crooks always so popular with the sheep ? |
A good example of the many diversions are Nephilim 'buy gold', CERN, HAARP, Giants and the other latest knowledge to distract us. The problem I have with all of this is when Israel is ignored, vilified or is relegated to the back of the bus.
When these fads supplant or replace Israel they are diversionary tools of Satan. At this late hour this is the time for all believers to stand side by side with Israel against the flood of hate and lies spewed by dragon and his followers. If you are not standing by Israel by now, your salt is worth little.
When something like HAARP becomes front and center and God takes a back seat as the ultimate One who is in full control of everything including the weather we have a serious problem. In a subtle way the glory, praise and focus due to God is taken away and placed on man being in control, much like the heathen and their climate change delusion who ignore that God is judging sinful man and his wickedness in the earth right now using 'weather' as well as wars famines, plagues, etc.
I don't want to know anything about the Nephilim except to cast them out under the power of the name of Jesus.
Another example are the latest new things coming from so many ministries who need to draw in fresh income without offending them with the offensive truth needed for this late hour.
Jesus made it a point to offend the wicked with the truth and today the weak and feckless church smother whatever light and salt they have in order to be popular with the always straying sheep.
Their many diversions take us away from what is on God's heart and where He is leading His small flock.
...and Jerusalem will be trampled under foot by the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled.
Luke 21:24
God's focus in now on Israel and completing all the promises He has made in His Word related to Israel. Anyone who says different is speaking for Israel's number one enemy, the dragon.
Today we have the whole world led by Satan working hard to exterminate the Israel He has returned to their land and many Christians are chasing after fables, new wisdom from men and ministries that do not stand by God and His agenda for Israel.
And when the dragon saw that he was thrown down to the earth, he persecuted the woman who gave birth to the male child.
Revelation 12:13
We have so called popular Christian leaders who focus on Giants, Antarctic Nazi bases, selling stuff, who give scant attention to teaching their listeners to stand with Israel against the many, never ending onslaughts of Satan.
These are the ear ticklers the Apostle Paul warned us about.
We even have crafty wolves who are very popular and accepted with open arms by the Christian community who are downright hostile to Israel like their fellow travelers, the followers of the false prophet Mohammed and his death cult of Islam. How easily the sheep are seduced, led astray by false techers and hirelings making merchandise of God's people.
I don't care about CERN, Giants, Bilderbergs, Rothschilds, HAARP, Gold, buying silver, whatever the latest revelation being sold for profit, but I do care about God's end-time redemption of physical Israel and His defeating of all their enemies starting with the latest false peace maker, President Trump. I hope you are watching his visit to Israel, Saudi Arabia and the Vatican because great deception is afoot and many of the saints will fall away because they were led astray following false teachers and their fun topics, and not closely, closely, following Jesus closely. That is why I am not distracted like so many following other shepherds who merchandise them.
Israel is front and center in God's final judgment of the nations and if you are out chasing other stuff you're going to be distracted, miss whats really important.
Jesus is returning to Jerusalem, Israel and because of that I am a Zionist. Satan hates Zionists with a passion, never missing an opportunity to smear the word and bring confusion to it's true meaning. He lies and lies and goes after all those who stand by Zion, Israel, the one and only place on this earth He has chosen for Himself.
If you are not a Zionist and allow the many crafty diversions of Satan in this late hour to take you away from the Chief Shepherd Jesus Christ and what He is doing related to Israel, I will tell you that you are in the wrong pasture and in serious trouble.
Israel and last days prophecy is everywhere in the Bible unlike most of the diversionary nonsense the hired shepherds are feeding the stray sheep.
I listened to some of President Trumps address to the largest Christian University in the world, Liberty University earlier, and here is another good example of following God and not running off His reservation for we sheep ( staying close to Him, letting Him lead us) and not chasing the latest "in" Christian trinkets, fads and shiny baubles.
How many of the graduating Christian students and Christian people attending the event had their spiritual warning sirens and alarms go off as they heard the man speak who is now pushing the false peace Palestinian state agenda in Israels heartland, a phony peace whose basis is rooted in stealing God's land that He has given forever to Israel and the Jewish people and giving it to followers of the devil and his false prophet ?
My guess is that the VAST MAJORITY were asleep with other more important things on their mind than God's prophetic agenda related to Israel, the last days and the judgment of the nations.
Maybe they don't really believe Gods Word, especially related to Israel ?
How many Christians who know the latest hype on CERN, Giants, Nephilim, etc. are loaded up with gold and silver, and keep up on the latest stuff have a clue what this Trump trip to Israel means for them and the USA ?
All Roads Lead to Rome
No Need to Sign Two State deal Mr Abbas
one point that Steve fails to mention in the video is that this is all a false peace.
hat tip - Noodles
Amen! Excellent article Marcel.
Let us stop the endless round of the latest books and DVDs, and meeting and eating, and get on our knees and on our faces before The LORD GOD. Lukewarmness is going to be Spewed Out of The Body of CHRIST.
Bless you Marcel - Samson7able <(((><
The sheep are so easily fleeced by the merchants of shiny "christian" trinkets, knicknacks, ornaments and gift shop baubels.
They run off the pasture God has provided for them to fancier digs that provide more glitter.
I just added this to my message and know it is important for the body of Christ as our very own president heads to Israel to make peace.
(Who needs JESUS for that, we've got Trump)
I listened to some of President Trumps address to the largest Christian University in the world, Liberty University earlier, and here is another good example of following God and not running off His reservation for we sheep to stay close to Him, and chasing the latest "in" Christian trinkets and shiny baubles.
How many of the graduating Christian students and Christian people attending the event had their spiritual warning sirens and alarms go off as they heard the man speak who is now pushing the false peace Palestinian state agenda in Israels heartland, a phony peace whose basis is rooted in stealing God's land that He has given forever to Israel and the Jewish people and giving it to followers of the devil and his false prophet ?
My guess is that the VAST MAJORITY were asleep with other more important things on their mind than God's prophetic agenda related to Israel, the last days and the judgment of the nations.
Good word Marcel...very inspiring !!
I'm semi-shocked semi-surprised that evangelical Christians have been this easy to deceive. They stubbornly refuse to learn from the recent past.
Skull N' Bones had a very easy time of it.
... but then Jesus did say, it it were possible the very elect would be deceived.
Today at Liberty University, that was proven to be a fact.
Hi Marcel,
While I understand your intention to warn people of the hucksters who call themselves prophets and watchmen (and some even mixing in New Age heresy), I'd like to clarify something.
There are many people sent by God to help some understand better. Not everyone sees things clearly and the Bible is intentionally cryptic in some places. Of course there are charlatans who are only looking to line their pockets, but not all are. God has told us to watch, and has provided men who are helpful teachers and shepherds, and sometimes it's helpful to glean information from some more learned than we are. Even in the days of the apostles, there were such men. Enoch, Josephus, Jubilees, Maccabees - all provide historical context at the least. God has not abandoned us in these last times and hasn't left us to grieve over not understanding. There are some godly men who have toiled over providing for the sheep without misleading any.
The key to it all is to pray - pray for understanding when reading our Bibles and pray for discernment when reading any other material in an attempt to learn God's ways, His plan and how to stay safe and on the straight path - which is Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Of course, there is strong delusion these days, so much so that even the evangelicals are deluded by Trump. Hopefully they will wake up. The web is being woven and the blind will refuse to see. They're still looking for an earthly savior to cure all our woes.
Thanks for letting me rant :)
God bless you, brother, and keep you in His hand.
Amen, thanks for that well written comment. My target are the enemies of Israel who follow the dragon sand use extra crafty methods to re-direct us away from what Jesus would want us to book up on.
I remember as a new Christian reading so many books and the confusion like Hal Lindseys rapture false teaching.
The Lord has faithfully led me in the truth since those days and no need to get sidetracked at this late hour unless He leads me to read something.
I believe many of God's people are sidetracked as we witnessed with Christian Liberty University which has thousands of books which did not help them.
Amen! In all likelihood, most of us have been sidetracked at one time or another by the 'next new thing'. Satan is crafty and knows how to make a think sound so good. Eve knows that. We really need to pray with urgency in these days.
The video you posted the other day about what happens to those who go against Israel is a warning to people. It's astonishing to me that there are people who think God is finished with Israel. Where do they get that from?! (that's rhetorical).
What I find so terrible and tragic is how the devil has used the bait of pride to damn hundreds of billions of Muslims, Catholics and Protestants who think God has forsaken His eternal covenant with Israel.
Their pride is high, so high that God resists them and the pride they have chosen to walk with blinds them.
Rick Wiles is a good example of one who suffers from this terrible curse and leads so many believers astray with his poison tongue.
Thanks, Noodles. I watch Steven sometimes. It's heartwarming to see him appeal to his Jewish brothers and sisters to come to Christ as he did. And he seems to have his finger on events much of the time. It sure looks like there's a loud knock at the door!
This was a really excellent post, Marcel. I find that I've been sidetracked myself by what seems to be good things.
"Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things, BUT ONE THING IS NECESSARY. Mary has chosen the good portion which will not be taken away from her."
Mary had the right idea. It's a good reminder for me especially!
Thanks brother, thanks for that comment.
What a great point about Martha.
I shouldn't be but I am amazed at how easily God's people are sidetracked by the snake oil salesmen in the Temple selling their wares and taking the focus of the saints off of what is truly important.
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