Before Israel retreated from Gaza in 2005 for the US led false peace there was deterrence.
The enemy had a degree of fear with Israel.
That is no longer the case.
They see a weak and retreating Jew afraid to use the Army God gave them for the purpose of defeating threats like Hamas & Hezbollah.
After thousands of Philistine/Islam's jihad rockets fired into Israeli cities from Hamastan, Gaza, a neutered Israel fails to defeat the enemy which does not want any peace.
Israel continues the same failed Neville Chamberlain appeasement approach demanded by their false god of no peace, America Babylon.
After the IDF's many, many retreats from Gaza wars before ending the Hamas, Gaza threat PERMANENTLY the Muslim enemy knows that Netanyahu is all bark, no bite, and that the lap dog does not have permission from his masters to do anything substantive except bomb empty targets, empty fields and empty Hamas training camps.
Under Bibi Israel is not feared but a joke, a laugh.
Both Israeli and Palestinian officials threatened to step up their strikes if the other side continued its attacks.
Dhimmi Minister Benjamin Netanyahu appeared to threaten to kill the heads of Gaza’s terror groups if rocket fire from the Strip continued.
The border clashes come amid reports of ongoing efforts by a weak Israel the enemy no longer fears to seal a useless ceasefire agreement with Gaza terror groups for the 1,001 failed time, followingweeks years of intermittent rocket fire and the regular launching of balloon-borne explosive devices into Israel.
Is there no woman among the daughters of your relatives, or among all our people, that you must go to take a wife from the uncircumcised (pagan) Philistines?”
And Samson said to his father, “Get her for me, because she looks pleasing to me.”
4 His father and mother did not know that it was of the Lord, and that He was seeking an occasion [to take action] against the Philistines.
Now at that time the Philistines were ruling over Israel.
Judges 14
At the behest of Satan the Roman Empire attempted to erase the name Israel from the face of the earth renaming it Palestine after their ancient defeated erased from the earth Philistines.
They also renamed Jerusalem Aelia Capitolina.
As everything Satan tries to do to thwart God's plan, it failed as will the plans of Islam of the false prophet and the doomed nations alinged with them and Satan to once again erase Israel from the face of the earth under the lie of a US led peace process.
It is they who shall be erased !
The now rotting, conquered by Islam, British Empire under the direction of Satan also kept the dead, false name of Palestine alive instead of burying it and using the correct name, Israel.
You can still see that Satan inspired lie on maps and even in some Bibles to this day.
The drive in create a modern day Islamic terrorist state called Palestine in Israel's heartland originates from the same source, Satan, incredibly driven by Empire America.
America, the next empire to disappear from the face of the earth after betraying the Jews and interfering with Israel on Satan's behalf under the lie of peace.
.... and Israel will always remain Israel just as God decreed !
Piracicaba, Brazil, Tacna, Peru, Indonesia, Iran, Canary Islands,Spain, Uruguay, Cordoba, Argentina, Turkey, Locust, Saudi Arabia.
Amazing how a virus invisible to the naked eye can reke such havoc across the earth.
God is sending a message.
Is anyone listening ?
The US used to be a free God fearing nation.
It started as a Republic and was eventually twisted into a Democracy.
Today it is an evil empire poisoning the nations, and where the elite pigs use their ill gotten billion$ to gain no accountability power as we see with the no justice, criminal Obama regime, Bloomberg, Steyer and the whole corrupted to hell $system.
A godless nation where the citizens have been made reprobatestupid by an evil, and where the plans of Satans New World dis- Order were birthed.
An evil empire that elected Jihad Hussein Obama twice to transform a once GREAT nation into a pile of crap and soon a pile of rubble.
The enemy had a degree of fear with Israel.
That is no longer the case.
They see a weak and retreating Jew afraid to use the Army God gave them for the purpose of defeating threats like Hamas & Hezbollah.
Israel's retreat for the peace did not lead to peace just the opposite.
After thousands of Philistine/Islam's jihad rockets fired into Israeli cities from Hamastan, Gaza, a neutered Israel fails to defeat the enemy which does not want any peace.
Israel continues the same failed Neville Chamberlain appeasement approach demanded by their false god of no peace, America Babylon.
After the IDF's many, many retreats from Gaza wars before ending the Hamas, Gaza threat PERMANENTLY the Muslim enemy knows that Netanyahu is all bark, no bite, and that the lap dog does not have permission from his masters to do anything substantive except bomb empty targets, empty fields and empty Hamas training camps.
Under Bibi Israel is not feared but a joke, a laugh.
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The phony peace has weakened Israel more than we ever could. Now the Jews have an Army but are too stupid to use it to end our attacks PERMANENTLY! |
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Netanyahu Barks, and Never Bites |
IDF chief warns Gaza clash may not be over, could spiral into greater conflict
On Sunday evening, Islamic Jihad and other terror groups fired some 30 rockets at Israel weakened and under the spell of the false US peace scam, now too stupid to defeat the enemy
Both Israeli and Palestinian officials threatened to step up their strikes if the other side continued its attacks.
Dhimmi Minister Benjamin Netanyahu appeared to threaten to kill the heads of Gaza’s terror groups if rocket fire from the Strip continued.
The border clashes come amid reports of ongoing efforts by a weak Israel the enemy no longer fears to seal a useless ceasefire agreement with Gaza terror groups for the 1,001 failed time, following
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Uncircumcised Philistine Delilah Clinton |
Is there no woman among the daughters of your relatives, or among all our people, that you must go to take a wife from the uncircumcised (pagan) Philistines?”
And Samson said to his father, “Get her for me, because she looks pleasing to me.”
4 His father and mother did not know that it was of the Lord, and that He was seeking an occasion [to take action] against the Philistines.
Now at that time the Philistines were ruling over Israel.
Judges 14
At the behest of Satan the Roman Empire attempted to erase the name Israel from the face of the earth renaming it Palestine after their ancient defeated erased from the earth Philistines.
They also renamed Jerusalem Aelia Capitolina.
As everything Satan tries to do to thwart God's plan, it failed as will the plans of Islam of the false prophet and the doomed nations alinged with them and Satan to once again erase Israel from the face of the earth under the lie of a US led peace process.
It is they who shall be erased !
The now rotting, conquered by Islam, British Empire under the direction of Satan also kept the dead, false name of Palestine alive instead of burying it and using the correct name, Israel.
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London Mayor follower of the False Prophet |
You can still see that Satan inspired lie on maps and even in some Bibles to this day.
No longer Great Britain reneged on its Balfour Declaration proving their word or agreements can not be trusted.
The drive in create a modern day Islamic terrorist state called Palestine in Israel's heartland originates from the same source, Satan, incredibly driven by Empire America.
America, the next empire to disappear from the face of the earth after betraying the Jews and interfering with Israel on Satan's behalf under the lie of peace.
.... and Israel will always remain Israel just as God decreed !
What has happened ? Part 8
Piracicaba, Brazil, Tacna, Peru, Indonesia, Iran, Canary Islands,Spain, Uruguay, Cordoba, Argentina, Turkey, Locust, Saudi Arabia.
Amazing how a virus invisible to the naked eye can reke such havoc across the earth.
God is sending a message.
Is anyone listening ?
Dow plunges 1,000 points on China Bat virus fears, 3.5% drop is worst in two years
Stoking fears of a prolonged global economic slowdown from the virus spreading.
It was the Dow's biggest point and percentage-point drop since February 2018. The Dow also gave up its gain for 2020 and is now down 2% for the year. The S&P 500 also had its worst day in two years and wiped out its year-to-date gain as well.
"The second-largest economy in the world is completely shut down. People aren't totally pricing that in,"
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America transformed into a pile of crap by the godless left |
The US used to be a free God fearing nation.
It started as a Republic and was eventually twisted into a Democracy.
Today it is an evil empire poisoning the nations, and where the elite pigs use their ill gotten billion$ to gain no accountability power as we see with the no justice, criminal Obama regime, Bloomberg, Steyer and the whole corrupted to hell $system.
A godless nation where the citizens have been made reprobatestupid by an evil, and where the plans of Satans New World dis- Order were birthed.
An evil empire that elected Jihad Hussein Obama twice to transform a once GREAT nation into a pile of crap and soon a pile of rubble.
Hi, Marcel,
Israel is being set up for Zechariah 14: 3-4 , and this prophecy is RAPIDLY coming to pass, helped along by the Gentile nations who are surrounding Jerusalem even now .
3Then shall the LORD go forth, and fight against those nations, as when he fought in the day of battle. 4And his feet shall stand in that day upon the mount of Olives, which is before Jerusalem on the east, and the mount of Olives shall cleave in the midst thereof toward the east and toward the west, and there shall be a very great valley; and half of the mountain shall remove toward the north, and half of it toward the south.
Our Gentile nation is in Jerusalem and Israel and given a red carpet welcome because of the $3.8 Billion granted to Israel with hardly a dissent from BOTH HOUSES OF CONGRESS !
What does THAT tell you ? It tells you that this Gentile nation has an agenda which UNITES all conflicting "Kings of the earth" to make Israel and Jerusalem into THEIR international city and state.
Right now, they are doing that with money and favors. But soon, VERY SOON, they will be changing tactics and strip off their facade of support and reveal their ULTIMATE goal.
This is TAQQIYA at its finest ! It is the modus operandi of the 10 Kings of Revelation 17. The Gentile nation is simply the front man for the oily 10 Kings ~ no pun intended.
That AGENDA of the 10 Kings is to coral all the other Gentile nations to allow Israel to build its THIRD TEMPLE in Jerusalem.
The nefarious GOAL of the 10 Kings is to establish their Son of Perdition seated in that THIRD TEMPLE ~ made by hands, made outside of the Will of GOD, doing sacrifices that are now an abomination unto The ELOHIM.
That Son of Perdition will soon be lifting himself up as "god" and shewing himself to be worshipped as "god."
See 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4 ~
3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God
In FULL GLORY, The LORD JESUS CHRIST will plant His+ Feet upon the hallowed Mount of Olives and take care of 1) the muslim temple area, 2) the defiled THIRD TEMPLE of man , and 3) ALL --- yes , ALL --- the nations which are coming against Israel and Jerusalem !
And, Scripture says, His+ Saints are coming with HIM+ to watch this marvelous setting-to-right both of Israel and Jerusalem and INDEED, THE WHOLE WORLD. HalleluJAH !
Thus the "concessions" and "weaknesses" and "limitations" that seem apparent on the surface are actually part of the WHOLE PROCESS, like a chess game, putting each player in the precise position to bring forth that Man of Sin . . . in order to DESTROY him and all those who love the Son of Perdition.
HalleluJAH ! Look UP ! For our Redemption draweth Nigh ! What we are watching are only the birth pains . . . which promises to be a hard , twisted backwards, breech-birth labor for Jerusalem and Israel.
Samson7able + + +
"VERY SOON, they will be changing tactics and strip off their facade of support and reveal their ULTIMATE goal"
Already false ally, false ally, BULLY America Babylon has threatened Israel
UNDER president George Wicked Bush he threatened then PM Ariel Sharon to retreat from Gaza, Gush Katif or the US would not side with, Vote to stop attacks against Israel in the UN Security Council,in the US created United EVIL Nations.
Obama used the same threats against Israel to push them into a US led fake, suicidal bogus peace lie.
So the true nature of US Israel relationship is on of Fake Friend & Bully.
So sad that the GovtMedia has fooled so many American Christian's into believing the big lie.
The US $ is used to enslave. RESTRAIN, and control Israel.
This is just plain Satanic, Evil.
Therefore the EVIL EMPIRE AMERICA shall suffer GREATLY for it's most evil. Crafty, and deceptive game birthed in hell.
I pity Christian's while stand with Trump because their hands are dirty and they are blind to how God sees. They only see the deception and lies that they have drowned in with Abomination Sodomy land USA.
God is using evil Ametica to bring Israel to Him, they are desperate for 1 friend among the evil nations, and their lack of faith in the Holy One of Israel causes them to chase after worthless idol America
when God destroys America, Israel will have no where to turn but to their Messiah.
In Zechariah it talks about Temple sacrifices AFTER Jesus returns so I am not concerned about the Abomination Islamic Dome of the Rock being removed and a Jewish Temple being built.
Sure beats the Islamic lie and ABOMINATION mosque and ABOMINATION Gold Dome there now.
There is a Holiday Inn on top of the Mount of Olives now so it's not so hollowed right now.
Blessings and peace brother
Thanks for sharing.
I have looked at the Ezekiel Temple, which will be built AFTER The LORD+ Returns. A Massive structure according to the dimensions given in Ezekiel. The LORD+ will Reign from Zion !
The sacrifices there are for ONLY those that remain after the Wrath of GOD upon the earth.
They MUST come up to Jerusalem each year or suffer drought. HE+ is going to Rule those that remain of the nations with a Rod of Iron.
They MUST come up and Acknowledge the ONE Sacrifice that took place of The ONE+ Who will then be Ruling !! Praise GOD !! HIS+ Resurrected Saints will then be Reigning with HIM+.
May HIS+ Kingdom come Swiftly;y.
I LOVE the thoughts of it.
Bless you brother.
Samson7able +++
AMEN Not soon enough !
The devil hates the truth about Israel and Jerusalem and he is going to lose along with the nations that align themselves with the religion of terrorism against Israel.
We are the generation prophet Daniel and the many others wrote about, truly for such a time as this. MUCH DECEPTION and CONFUSION for those who do not know Jesus and His word intimaly.
I heard on radio China Bat Flu virus spreading across Europe, going to check it out now on my half smart phone.
Thanks brother and blessings.
YES. Praise GOD !
I just wanted to clarify that the only reason we consider The Mt. of Olives to be Hallowed is because that is where our LORD+ Ascended from and where HIS+ Blessed Feet will first touch down on the actual earth at HIS+ Glorious Return to Reign from Zion.
The various buildings that have been placed there are superfluous. Blown away in a wink.
Bless you brother.
A Peaceful night to you in JESUS / YESHUA,
our Life.
<(((>< + + +
The Mount of Beatitudes is a special place for many including myself. A big area with lots of green grass overlooking the Kinneret.
Old Italian fascist dictator Mussolini built a church there.
Google is doing some serious blocking shadow banning with RPD
They must hate the truth as much as their god Satan does ?
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