Them that sin rebuke before all, that others also may fear.
1 Timothy 5:20
Hey Rick,
The leader of the inquisition in Congress is a pagan Catholic by the name of Nancy Pelosi, and we all know the head of this coup is Lawless Obama from day 1.
Under Fake Trump his FBI & DOJ give him and everyone else in the most corrupt and criminal regime in US history cover and a pass from ANY justice.
So why did you give them a pass and target the Jews in name only ?
No need to answer, cause I know why.
Your German roots run deep, deep down to the pit of no return.
By saying that President Trump's phony peace scam is a good one you reveal to Christians who are not blind and deceived that you really do not believe God or His word.
God gave all of that land to the Jews forever, and by standing with Trump in attempting to steal it in order to create another failed Islamic terrorist state you are exposed as a deceiver, the blind leading the blind.
FALSE TEACHER. you are more guilty than he is because of your nefarious and toxic influence over so many ignorant, unlearned sheep.
Therefore you shall have the greater judgment.
Those who have been deceived by Rick and others like him;
Do a search on how many times "Zion" appears in the Bible and then do a study.
Like the followers of the false prophet Herr Rick Wiles has tried to turn Zion into a bad word.
He's trashed Christian supporters of Israel and Christian Zionists as Satan does on a regular basis.
A Christian Zionist is eternally connected to the heart of Israel, Mt. Zion in Jerusalem, the place where their redeemer Jewish messiah Yeshua returns to rule over the nations from.
The devil and his minions know this and with great hate his many factions are working to stop what they will never stop.
That's his devious cop out excuse to stand against the Jews because political Israel is Israel , God's work in progress that he is against.
Repeat it again and again until it sinks in .
You can not be a true Christian and hate Israel, Zionists, and Jews.
Zion is another name for Jerusalem the place where Jesus returns to set up His forever Kingdom so if you hate MOUNT ZION you expose yourself to everyone that you are in league with Satan.
What is so disgusting about Rick blaming the Jews for Trump's failed impeachment attempt is that he ignores all the Jews who stand with Trump and lumps them all together with the godless. extreme left JINO's.
Rick Wiles is a blight on the Church in America who understand that a merciful God has not forsaken political Israel just as He has been merciful and forgiving to us.
I'm afraid the Jesus will show the same mercy and compassion on judgment day that Rick showed to political Israel.
You don't forgive, He won't forgive you !
That's in the Bible he claims to believe but really does not believe.
Could not find anything on this hit as the media and system have buried this news story.
Was he set up with promise of a job ?
He knew too much and brought the evil and darkness of Washington, DHS, FBI, CIA to light !
Always reports, never any arrests !!!!
This Barr, Durham scam is being dragged out for only 1 reason.
But there is no justice in the evil empire, America Babylon.
Remember Journalist ☆Michael Hastings was writing a book exposing the dark side of the CIA and how he was taken out in a "car accident" in L.A.
The evil Washington NWO system is sending a message to everyone who expose it for what it is.
Back in the early 90's this 'backwoods of Kentucky' Pastor from a church I was going to near Orlando, Florida said these memorable words;
There sure are a lot of stupid people here in America and around this stupid world !
☆ Michael Hastings
“As of October 2014 the CIA was also looking at infecting the vehicle control systems used by modern cars and trucks,” WikiLeaks writes. “The purpose of such control is not specified, but it would permit the CIA to engage in nearly undetectable assassinations.
1 Timothy 5:20
I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom;
2 Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine.
3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears.
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Rick 'Wolfman' Wiles |
Wolf in Sheep Costume Ricky Wiles ‘Jew coup’ media outlet TruNews banned from YouTube
Platform headed by pastor who has said Jews want to kill ‘millions of Christians’ apparently barred for violating site’s hate speech rules; has been accredited by White House.
In a video posted to the TruNews YouTube channel in November 2019, Wiles said that the Trump impeachment was “Jew coup,” and said that Jews will “kill millions of Christians” after they overthrow US President Donald Trump. YouTube had removed that video before banning the channel entirely.
Hey Rick,
The leader of the inquisition in Congress is a pagan Catholic by the name of Nancy Pelosi, and we all know the head of this coup is Lawless Obama from day 1.
Under Fake Trump his FBI & DOJ give him and everyone else in the most corrupt and criminal regime in US history cover and a pass from ANY justice.
So why did you give them a pass and target the Jews in name only ?
No need to answer, cause I know why.
Your German roots run deep, deep down to the pit of no return.
By saying that President Trump's phony peace scam is a good one you reveal to Christians who are not blind and deceived that you really do not believe God or His word.
God gave all of that land to the Jews forever, and by standing with Trump in attempting to steal it in order to create another failed Islamic terrorist state you are exposed as a deceiver, the blind leading the blind.
FALSE TEACHER. you are more guilty than he is because of your nefarious and toxic influence over so many ignorant, unlearned sheep.
Therefore you shall have the greater judgment.
Those who have been deceived by Rick and others like him;
Do a search on how many times "Zion" appears in the Bible and then do a study.
Like the followers of the false prophet Herr Rick Wiles has tried to turn Zion into a bad word.
He's trashed Christian supporters of Israel and Christian Zionists as Satan does on a regular basis.
A Christian Zionist is eternally connected to the heart of Israel, Mt. Zion in Jerusalem, the place where their redeemer Jewish messiah Yeshua returns to rule over the nations from.
The devil and his minions know this and with great hate his many factions are working to stop what they will never stop.
Rick is in lockstep with Islam & Satan in his hate for 'Political Israel' which is the Israel of God, a work in progress as we all are.
That's his devious cop out excuse to stand against the Jews because political Israel is Israel , God's work in progress that he is against.
Repeat it again and again until it sinks in .
You can not be a true Christian and hate Israel, Zionists, and Jews.
Zion is another name for Jerusalem the place where Jesus returns to set up His forever Kingdom so if you hate MOUNT ZION you expose yourself to everyone that you are in league with Satan.
What is so disgusting about Rick blaming the Jews for Trump's failed impeachment attempt is that he ignores all the Jews who stand with Trump and lumps them all together with the godless. extreme left JINO's.
Rick Wiles is a blight on the Church in America who understand that a merciful God has not forsaken political Israel just as He has been merciful and forgiving to us.
I'm afraid the Jesus will show the same mercy and compassion on judgment day that Rick showed to political Israel.
You don't forgive, He won't forgive you !
That's in the Bible he claims to believe but really does not believe.
DHS ordered me to scrub records of Muslims with terror ties
Most Americans were unaware of the enormous damage to morale at the Department of Homeland Security, where I worked, his condemnation caused. His words infuriated many of us because we knew his administration had been engaged in a bureaucratic effort to destroy the raw material—the actual intelligence we had collected for years, and erase those dots. The dots constitute the intelligence needed to keep Americans safe, and the Obama administration was ordering they be wiped away.
Phil Haney, the 1 who exposed lawless criminal Obama found dead of single shot to the head.
A big red flag- They are already calling it self inflicted before there is any investigation !
A big red flag- They are already calling it self inflicted before there is any investigation !
This is very suspicious so I will not call it a suicide knowing the evil nature of corrupt Washington where the real criminals are never brought to justice.
Trump is a bad mirage for those deceived ones who blindly hope that his useless deep state FBI Director Wray or his deep state pick for the Department of noJustice A.G. Barr will deliver any justice to the head of the snake Coup Lawless Obama and his criminal gang.
Obama DHS whistleblower found dead with gunshot wound in California
According to sources close to Haney, he was recently in contact with top officials about returning to work for the DHS. Additionally, Haney was engaged to be married.
"Odd (surreal reality) that I was a highly visible whistleblower ... that virtually no one listened to, while this guy remains invisible, but is treated like an anointed oracle from above," Haney said in the Nov. 11 text, referring to alleged Ukraine whistleblower Eric Ciaramella. "However, my story is still live, i.e., there's still more to come. It'll be called 'National Security Meltdown.'"
Haney added, "I have a severely hyper-organized archive of everything that's happened since See Something, Say Nothing (SSSN) was published in May of 2016. The National Security Meltdown sequel will pick up right where SSSN left off. My intention is to have it ready by early-to mid-Spring of 2020 (just before the political sound wave hits), then ride that wave all the way to the Nov. elections."
Could not find anything on this hit as the media and system have buried this news story.
Was he set up with promise of a job ?
He knew too much and brought the evil and darkness of Washington, DHS, FBI, CIA to light !
No doubt a high value target to be taken out.
Was he was lured out to that spot, or dropped off like Vince Foster was, no witnesses ?
If America was salvageable or good a number of corrupt Obama officials would have committed suicide or ALREADY been brought to justice.Was he was lured out to that spot, or dropped off like Vince Foster was, no witnesses ?
Always reports, never any arrests !!!!
This Barr, Durham scam is being dragged out for only 1 reason.
But there is no justice in the evil empire, America Babylon.
Untouchable Obama & Hillary are proof of this.
Remember Journalist ☆Michael Hastings was writing a book exposing the dark side of the CIA and how he was taken out in a "car accident" in L.A.
The evil Washington NWO system is sending a message to everyone who expose it for what it is.
The Communist Bernie Sanders win in Nevada tells me 2 things.
The brainwashed doomed voters have spoken God's severe judgment on this now cursed land.
#2 It's at the door !
There is no saving the doomed abomination !
“You see, my mom 32 years ago had doctors tell her she needed to abort me because if she didn’t, it was going to cost her life. And they didn’t even believe that I was a baby,” said Tebow, adding, “They thought I was a tumor.”
“And my question to you is: Are you willing to stand up in the face of persecution, in the face of adversity, in the face of criticism, when other people are going to say it’s not worth it, when other people won’t stand beside you? Maybe not everybody is going to be with you. Will you stand up for what’s right?” he concluded.
The Communist Bernie Sanders win in Nevada tells me 2 things.
The brainwashed doomed voters have spoken God's severe judgment on this now cursed land.
#2 It's at the door !
Project Veritas: Sanders staffer says 'cities burn' if Trump reelected, predicts violence at DNC
Asked what would happen if Mr. Trump is reelected, the man described as Sanders campaign field organizer Kyle Jurek said, “F–ing cities burn,” adding, “I mean, we don’t have a lot of time left, we have to save f–ing human civilization.”
Tim Tebow: I’d rather be known for saving babies from abortion than winning the Super Bowl
“You see, my mom 32 years ago had doctors tell her she needed to abort me because if she didn’t, it was going to cost her life. And they didn’t even believe that I was a baby,” said Tebow, adding, “They thought I was a tumor.”
“And my question to you is: Are you willing to stand up in the face of persecution, in the face of adversity, in the face of criticism, when other people are going to say it’s not worth it, when other people won’t stand beside you? Maybe not everybody is going to be with you. Will you stand up for what’s right?” he concluded.
Only three states can test for coronavirus because of flawed kits
California, Nebraska and Illinois are the only U.S. states that can currently test for coronavirus, the Association of Public Health Laboratories told Reuters. The CDC last week said some of the testing kits sent to U.S. states and at least 30 countries produced "inconclusive" results due to a flawed component, and the CDC planned to send replacement materials to make the kits work. The CDC has increased testing capacity until new testing kits become available.
.U.S. health officials are preparing for the COVID-19 coronavirus to become a pandemic, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Friday. "We're not seeing community spread here in the United States, yet, but it's very possible, even likely, that it may eventually happen," Dr. Nancy Messonnier, director of the CDC's National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, told reporters on a conference call
coronavirus outbreak in Iran is 'very worrisome'
World health officials said the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak in Iran, where there are 18 confirmed cases and four deaths in just two days, is "very worrisome." Earlier in the day, Iran confirmed 13 new coronavirus cases. Seven people found to have contracted the flu-like virus were diagnosed in Qom, four people in Tehran and two in Gilan. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, director-general of the World Health Organization, said a 45-year-old woman in Lebanon has been linked to the outbreak in Iran. "The cases that we see in the rest of the world, although the numbers are small, but not linked to Wuhan or China, it's very worrisome," he said. "These dots are actually very concerning."
30 Israeli 8th graders isolated after contact with Koreans diagnosed with virus
The group of 77 Koreans were in Israel from February 8-15. Nine of them were confirmed to have the virus Friday, following their return to South Korea.
Israel also blocked tourists who arrived from South Korea Saturday evening from entering the country.
“The potential that there is someone ill in Israel due to the group has risen significantly,” Bar Siman Tov said. “We are working under the assumption that the South Korean tourists were carrying the virus while in Israel.”
Back in the early 90's this 'backwoods of Kentucky' Pastor from a church I was going to near Orlando, Florida said these memorable words;
There sure are a lot of stupid people here in America and around this stupid world !
Hackers on the other side of the world can take control of your vehicle
Fact is, computer hackers on the other side of the world potentially could — while you’re driving — crash your navigation system, cut your brakes, disrupt your steering or remotely take control of the entire vehicle. Hackers do not need to be in close proximity; all they need is something as simple as internet connectivity. Cars have become heavily connected to the internet.
DID the CIA assassinate journalist Michael Hastings?
“As of October 2014 the CIA was also looking at infecting the vehicle control systems used by modern cars and trucks,” WikiLeaks writes. “The purpose of such control is not specified, but it would permit the CIA to engage in nearly undetectable assassinations.
I saw that Stupid article on BIN, but Never clicked on it since it seemed like TOTAL Insanity !! Didn't know it was R. Wiles who did it. That site puts on a lot of anti - semitic stuff, and I am wary of the site and visit Carefully.
Scripture is Plain, We are GRAFTED IN to Israel,
Possibly into The 12 Tribes, since the 12 Apostles of The LAMB+ are written in the Foundation Stones of The New Jerusalem, and The 12 Tribes of Israel are written in the 12 Gates into that Massive City which comes down from GOD out of Heaven,
Mr. Wiles is in Danger of the Judgment.
False doctrines abound
The Hit on the whistle blower; OBVIOUSLY NOT a suicide. Just yet another Murder of someone who dared to speak the truth. Now commonplace in America Babylon. Truth is Not tolerated in America Babylon.
Criminals like Obama and the Clinton's walk free, others
are punished for Nothing, but especially for speaking truth.
Watching to see where the Covid - 19 virus will go.
Will it go to Medical Marshal Law ?
LORD+ keep us from the hands of men who serve satan.
Bless you Marcel,
Samson7able + + +
Sad how many deceived Christian's swallow the deadly poison from Rick Wiles. For a long time he's gotten a pass from too many ministries like Steve Quayle and the rest of the hirelings.
The sheep who trust in idols in America and in Israel are being set up for the fall. They who put their trust in Swamp man Trump or any polluted political well fail the test from God.
VERY POPULAR Communist Bernie Sanders is a part of God's severe judgment on abomination USA.
The project veritas article I posted warns """ If Trump is re-elected cities will burn."""
No doubt the evil elite are making sure the virus spreads as it will bring more control and fear over the slaves of their ORDER out of CHAOS NWO.
Phil Haney was taken out because his new book for Spring release was going to expose more of Islamic terrorism friendly Washington.
Nothing but smoke and mirrors same old Washington sewer in fake Trump.
Thanks brother !
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