Saturday, October 6, 2018

Spiritually Useless


A Divine Encounter 


hat tip - Noodles

Mena Lee Grebin

Over the last few weeks, the Lord has been saying to me, “Tekel.” This is a word for America and it means you have been weighed in the balance and found wanting.
The Lord spoke to me saying, “It has begun.”

“Because they chose the man over Me, they will go into battle believing that I am with them and I will not be with them, and many will perish.”


So because you are lukewarm (spiritually useless), and neither hot nor cold, I will vomit you out of My mouth [rejecting you with disgust].

Revelation 3:16



Susan Davis

I received this letter back in Sept. 2010

Words of the LORD:

The lukewarm church will be lost. It will be left. I have no time for the lukewarm. They have one foot in this world and one foot in My world. I will spit them out. I will not tolerate a church that has a halfhearted love toward Me. They trifle with My love.

They play games with Me.

They want Me and the world both. I do not want their love. They want Me on their terms. They want Me only when it suits them. I have no time for their halfway love and commitment. I want a sold out church. I want a bride who only has eyes for Me.
I am a jealous God and I will have no other gods before Me.

Their halfhearted interest in Me is abominable. It is wretched.

I do not want their relationship. If they cannot choose for Me with complete abandon to Me, they are not fit for My Kingdom. I am seeking a church who is only in love with Me. Very few walk this path. Very few will be ready to go. I am sorry for the rest, but these are My terms.

I am clear about what I ask of My people: all or nothing.

I want your all—complete surrender. If you still have time and eyes for this world, I cannot help you. The end is coming. Soon you must choose: all or nothing. Give Me your all. I gave all.

I ask nothing less of you. This is your hour to decide. Give Me your heart. 

Give Me your life. Let Me take you home to safety. You will be safe and unharmed to a happy home of peace everlasting. Please let Me protect you and keep you from this coming trouble.

I am the only door to safety. You will not find help anywhere else. Choose wisely—give Me everything and I will give you freedom, and a life—a beautiful world, an everlasting Kingdom where we will rule and reign together forever. It will be glorious.

The choice is yours. I do not force. I am standing in front of you. You have this choice to make—I ask nothing less than complete surrender.


The lukewarm followers of Jesus are always easily deceived and always fail the test because their hearts are divided, foolishly assuming they can serve two masters !


Ugly Pride: Wanting to Be Recognized by People - Tim Conway

The reason so many Christians are so politically useful and so spiritually useless is because they are lukewarm for Jesus and hot for Trump and this world.


In case you missed this very important message yesterday I am posting this video from Mena Lee Grebin again.
Twice I went to the 444 prophecy link to hear the Tekel message the other day and both times this video was not there.
I'm grateful to Noodles in Israel for sending it to me and almost missed it again.
That's three times 

There is much confusion and so many false messages out there at this late hour and this is one of the few that I am in complete agreement with as coming from Jesus.

Prophecy Update: Tekel - America; "You have been weighed in the scales and found wanting."



Anonymous said...

Excellent Words Marcel !
The letter from Susan Davis, LUKEWARM, I read all through.

The article yesterday about McCarther linking up with with Warren was almost LAUGHABLE !!
Heretics ganging up to wallow in each others vomit, and spew it out on others who will spend thousands of $$ to fly, eat & drink, and listen to this nauseating group of heretics and blasphemers !!!

The Remnant are now ASKING The LORD+ for HIS+ Judgment upon those who are seeking to destroy the Gospel of Life,

Bless you Marcel

Marcel Cousineau said...

It's really a shock how John McArthur is headed headlong in the wrong direction.
I wonder is it pride of A great successful ministry that destroys so many servants of God ?
I read about King Josiah and how he did such great things for the Lord one of Israel's best kings, and in the end it was pride led him to his death.

I just added this comment I made to someone at the YouTube video with the message today.

Ugly Pride: Wanting to Be Recognized by People - Tim Conway

The reason so many Christians are so politically useful and so spiritually useless is because they are lukewarm for Jesus and hot for Trump and this world.

Thanks for your comment brother !