Remember how millions and millions of Russians were murdered by the original Bolsheviks during their revolution.
This American Bolshevik Party of Democrats and their revolution are following the same playbook.
They and their shrill message of hate and intolerance for any other view is growing in a violent blinding rage, and heading in the exact same direction.
(Did you hear the reprobate Michael Moore's extremist and violent message at the anti-State of the Union extremist left gathering in New York City ?
The American Bolsheviks and their useful idiots have advanced to the final stage and are working towards mass bloodshed now like their old comrades did.
Obama led the biggest criminal government in American history and
no one has gone to prison
One thing for sure in Washington,
Why haven't FBI counterintelligence deputy head Peter Strzok and FBI lawyer Lisa Page been fired and arrested for obstruction of justice along with fellow corrupt deputy FBI director Andy McCabe and Deputy Attorney General Rot Rosentstein ?
Why have the lawbreakers A.G. Lynch, Eric Holder, Lois Lerner, Jimmy 'the weasel' Comey, H & B Clinton, B. Orr, Valerie Jarrett, Jihad H. Obama, Ben Rhodes, Debbie Blabbermouth Slutz, Susan Rice, Clapper, Brennan and the others still not given the same treatment that we would be given for breaking the law ?
They were just reshuffled while AG Jeff Sessions went looking for his missing spine.
The long term red revolution in America slowly and steadily took over the schools, the mainstream media, many Churches, ACLU, SPLC, NAACP, NEA, SEIU, NFL, Hollywood entertainment and burrowed itself deep in every nook of U.S. government bureaucracy.
The Obama led FBI and DOJ under Jimmy 'the weasel' Comey and Loretta Wench committed many, many crimes, (obstruction of justice is just one of their many crimes) and no one is arrested.
Susan Rice and Red Samantha Powers illegally, criminally, unmasked many American citizens.
Saul Alinsky trained Hillary lied and lied and lied to investigators and was never held accountable (like the rest of us would be) She lied almost as much as her red boss Obama but they have the Bolshevik Red media covering their revolutionary tracks.
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Mr. Muller's Revolutionary Soviet Tactics |
It was globalist Muller who removed 'Islamic terrorism' from the lexicon of the FBI.
The globalist are totalitarian, marxist and socialist at heart. This is why they flood the West with anti-freedom Islamists and are so protective of fellow totalitarians, their dear Islam of all terrorism, global conquering, jihadists Muslims.
The Democrats/Media are America's Bolshevik Revolutionary Party who are working hard to overthrow a duly elected US President. and that is why Muller is protected and the Capitalist President is the target.
The Obama gang used the FBI and the fake Hillary Clinton Russian Dossier to get a FISA warrant to spy on the Trump campaign, and leaked lies and fake news to bring down and destroy Hillary's opponent Donald Trump.
It didn't quite work as they planned.
It backfired and now the Bolshevik party hacks like Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) are using Soviet style tactics, lies, to confuse and muddle the TRUTH.
The extreme left Democrat Bolshevik overthrow of our constitutional government is a success because not one of their large cadre has even been arrested or gone to prison for their many felonies.
Obama's criminal regime broke the law and encourage his Bolshevik Democrats to lie and cheat like hell, and to trample the constitution almost daily.
The Republicans did nothing because they were so fearful of being called racists.
Bobbie Muller and his Bolshivek investigators with the corrupt, fake news media helped bring down General Flynn for lying while pathological liars Obama and Hillary have never been held to the same standard for decades of lying.
The Bolsheviks never play by the same rules.
In our corrupt US Government, the white collar criminals and felons are never handcuffed and arrested, they just retire on their big fat government pensions.
The overthrow of America would not be possible without the extreme hard left, Bolshevik US Media.
Andrew McCabe’s Pension Is Worth About $1.8 Million
The Memo
The narrative that Americans hear — or don't — surrounding the Strzok-Page texts and the #ReleaseTheMemo controversy is entirely dependent on the media they consume and the politicians they trust. While the right has focused much its ire on these topics, the left dismisses them almost entirely, choosing to focus attention on the ongoing Mueller investigation.
McCabe at the precipice: 'Removal' from FBI may be the least of his troubles
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McCabe at the precipice: 'Removal' from FBI may be the least of his troubles
Something changed Wray’s mind. We don’t know exactly what that was.
The timing suggests that the memo itself contained damaging information, but according to a report in the New York Times, it was a preview of the forthcoming Inspector General’s report.
Citing multiple sources familiar with the IG’s investigation, she stated, “There are indicators now that McCabe may have asked FBI agents to change their 302s -- those are the interviews with witnesses. Basically, every time an FBI agent interview a witness, they have to go back and file a 302.
Citing multiple sources familiar with the IG’s investigation, she stated, “There are indicators now that McCabe may have asked FBI agents to change their 302s -- those are the interviews with witnesses. Basically, every time an FBI agent interview a witness, they have to go back and file a 302.
Hannity asked, “Wouldn’t that be obstruction of justice?”
AmericanThinker on Facebook
Rot Rosenstein Is Shirking His Duty to Supervise Robert Mueller
The incredibly incompetent Republicans ignorant of his Uranium 1 and other acts of corruption hired Rot Rosenstein as Deputy Attorney General.
RINO Senator Lindsey Graham and many other fairy Republicans give corrupt Rot Rosenstein their full support.
Meanwhile the enemy, lies and propaganda media, have kept most Americans in the dark about what is really going on with the greatest corruption in American history by their fellow Democrats.
Meanwhile the enemy, lies and propaganda media, have kept most Americans in the dark about what is really going on with the greatest corruption in American history by their fellow Democrats.
The secret Nunes memo reportedly reveals that Rot Rosenstein re-upped surveillance of Trump adviser last year
Everywhere Democrats have ruled there is decay, decline, out of control crime, rampant corruption and lawlessness. Look at Detroit, Chicago, California NYC and every other Bolshevik stronghold in America.
How Venezuela's Communist Revolution is Working Out after Dead Red Hugo
I agree that some evangelicals have so visibly hitched themselves to Trump and/or the Republican Party that we have compromised our integrity, as if political power were of greater importance to us than serving a lost and hurting world. We alone are to blame for this, and we alone can fix this. I do not minimize this for a moment.
At the same time, the very liberals who thrash us daily for our political affiliation as followers of Jesus had no problem with Christian support of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, despite their support of the slaughter of the unborn and despite their largely ignoring the Christians genocide in the Middle East. Why no shrill cries of hypocrisy? Why no protest marches in the streets?
Why no one saying, “If you voted for Obama (or Hillary), I won’t listen to your gospel message?”
Many wars, too many enemies
Criminals are running America. Have been for a long time.
We are just "Worker bees" to provide $ for the PTB to continue their nefarious activities and retire with 1.8 million $ kings ransom pay, at the expense of the worker bees on minimum wage.
After all, they feel, we are only here to be lied to and manipulated and used.
I will be surprised if any of these low down criminals are ever punished. The list of all those you mentioned are walking free with no worry. If the "Working Poor"
sneeze the wrong way they are severe;y punished.
I am looking for the Righteous JUDGE+ to take Vengeance for HIS+ people. HE+ has promised that HE+ will repay.
Bless you brother.
Samson7able <(((><
'Criminals are running America. Have been for a long time.'
Yes, Republicans and Skull n' Bones Bush gave corrupt Clinton regime a pass for their crimes. The elite all stick together behind the curtains.
The democrat rats want to keep the truth hidden as well as many worthless Republicans while they press on with their Marxist coup.
Look for violence and bloodshed after they don't get their way.
God will give the evil elite and their useless idiots the justice they deserve.
Looking at the economic collapse, the hunger and famine getting worse in Venezuela I see the same happening here and that's when it's going to get extremely dangerous in godless, cursed America which Trump could not save.
Thanks for your comment brother and the LORD bless and keep you.
Starting in the '80s, I said that the US has become a third-world country philosophically (paganism rampant), and it was only a matter of time before that worked its way out into all areas of life. It now looks like the political sphere has been third-world-corrupted. Q: How do you reinstate Biblical standards, e.g., the rule of law, in a country where paganism rules? Good luck with that. Blessings to you.
How do you reinstate Biblical standards, e.g., the rule of law, in a country where paganism rules?
If it were possible the Great Flood would not have happened and we would not have to see the world destroyed/ burned up by fire/intense heat this time.
But the day of the Lord will come like a thief, in which the heavens will pass away with a roar and the elements will be destroyed with intense heat, and the earth and its works will be burned up.
2 Peter 3:10
I have been always fascinated by archeology.
They always have to dig deep to find the hundreds of rubble civilizations across this earth. The jungles of Central America have hidden the evil Mayan culture that so many pagans are fascinated with today.
There we can see the end result of following paganism/Satanism.
It's been repeating since the great flood and we are repeating the idolatry and paganism that Israel turned to before God sent destruction to His own people.
There was no turning back for Israel until justice, judgment fell on ALL of them.
We have the false prophets who are deceiving Christians today with false hope that God will overlook our wickedness and Make America Great Again.
And repeat.... God's people fall for the same lies and delusion choosing to believe the false prophets instead of God and His clear, unambiguous word.
The Lord bless and keep you brother.
Yes. When you throw out the Bible you throw out the clear concept of a Creator God who rules the universe by virtue not only of His might, but of His right. You throw out the idea that His character IS the moral law, and reduce morality to a preference, or perhaps an evolutionary advantage. You've now gone from God's rule (the moral law) to man's rule. The question now is only, Which man? Blessings to you.
It seems that Karl Marx is the chief god of the majority of US university educated, brainwashed students and that makes our future precarious.
Bernie Marxist Sanders is extremely popular with the youth of America destroyed by an expensive rip off some people call education.
""Yes. When you throw out the Bible you throw out the clear concept of a Creator God who rules the universe by virtue not only of His might, but of His right.""
And you end up worshiping all kind of strange things instead of the Creator ALONE !
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