Monday, December 18, 2017


Now this will be the plague with which the Lord shall strike all the peoples that have warred against Jerusalem: Their flesh will rot while they stand on their feet, and their eyes will rot in their sockets, and their tongue will rot in their mouth.
In that day a great panic and dismay from the Lord will fall on them; and they will seize one another’s hand, and the hand of the one will be raised against the hand of the other....

Then everyone who is left of all the nations that went against Jerusalem will go up from year to year to worship the King, the Lord of hosts, and celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles.

And it will be that whichever of the families of the earth does not go up to Jerusalem to worship the King, the Lord of hosts, there will be no rain on them.

Zechariah 14

Did you Know ?

The Feast of Tabernacles has been going on for many years with Christians from across the world coming up to Jerusalem to worship the King of Kings !
Here is a taste of what God has been doing in the midst of this world in rebellion against Him and his Israel, now uniting in coming against His Jerusalem, and their miserable end.

The ultimate end of Israel's enemies has been written thousands of years ago as we see in Zechariah chapter 14.

enjoy !

Days of Elijah - Paul Wilbur

Feast of Tabernacles in Jerusalem - 2017

Where Christians from across the world gather to worship the God of Israel, Messiah and King of Kings, Jesus Christ.

hat tip - Joanne

Satan and his followers are very troubled about Jerusalem because they know this this is where King Jesus is returning to rule over the nations and put them out of business permanently. 


Anonymous said...

Amen Marcel!
The LORD+ shall reign from Zion!
HE+ will rule with a Rod of Iron, and HIS+ Resurrected Children will Reign with HIM+ in Bodies like HIS+ Glorious Body.

Come LORD JESUS. Samson7able <(((><

P.S. Did my comment on Mr. Treason get through?

Marcel Cousineau said...

Amen, that is why the devil, the world and his Islam are
so upset over 1 country saying Jerusalem is the Capitol of Israel and not the greedy Arabs who already have twenty two countries and Capitols.'
I just found your 12:00 pm comment on my awaiting moderation blog and posted it. I tried to block a spammer and it blocked that one also but not this comment you just posted ??
Some bugs still crawling around in this site I guess.

Thanks brother for letting me know.

Good news Jesus is coming back to His city Jerusalem and nothing, no one will stop Him.