On February 18th 2001 the FBI arrested one of the greatest spies for Russia in US history .
The Greatest TRAITOR in US history !
He was one of their own, a top FBI agent who got away with it for 22 years.
The corrupt Washington Sewer still hide (cover up) the amount of damage he did to this day.
The idiots in the Washington Sewer thought the mole was in the CIA and guess who they put in charge of finding the enemy within ?
Twenty years later Washington is drowning in high level traitors, greedy crooks who are never held accountable and always given a pass, even by the Republican right as Obama, Hillary and the RICO Gang were for eight years, and even after by empty suit Trump and his worthless DOJ & FBI for engineering an attempted coup during and after the 2016 election.
Today a traitor sits in the White House who would be in Federal Prison if Senator Lindsey Graham, Trump deep state pick for FBI Director Chris Wray and Trump's deep state pick for Attorney General William Swamp Creature Barr had done their jobs.
The fact that Trump called Crooked Creepy Corrupt, Pathological liar Joe Biden, 'Sleepy Joe' explains who not 1 criminal from the extreme left Obama high crimes regime ever faced justice.
All this to say God is in control and given America over to defeat and destruction.
The traitor in the White House who took millions from China along with his son, Hunter, protected by the dark and evil US media, evil Democrats, and the do nothing worthless Republicans are proof that time has run out for the evil empire where the traitors have been given full power to destroy what is left and why God has made the Republican's so useless and impotent.
MAGA was never on God's agenda for the empire that rejected Him and His Authority.
Job 12 explains it all, especially verses 14 & 23&24.
That's why we have dementia idiot Joe in the White House and why blind leading the blind, Trump failed on MAGA.
If you are trusting in the rotted political system you are on a path that leads to your destruction.
Remember it was false hope Trump who helped corrupt Republican leader Mitch McConnell get reelected, the same deep state crook that he is now fighting.
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Washington is flooded with GovtMedia protected traitors |
Then Job responded,
“No doubt you are the [only wise] people [in the world],
And wisdom will die with you!
“But I have intelligence and understanding as well as you;
I am not inferior to you.
Who does not know such things as these [of God’s wisdom and might]?
“I am a joke to my friends;
I, one whom God answered when he called upon Him—
A just and blameless man is a joke [and laughed to scorn].
“He who is at ease has contempt for misfortune,
But misfortune is ready [and anxiously waiting] for those whose feet slip.
“The tents of the destroyers prosper;
And those who provoke God are [apparently] secure,
Whom God brings into their power.
“Now ask the animals, and let them teach you [that God does not deal with His creatures according to their character];
And ask the birds of the air, and let them tell you;
Or speak to the earth [with its many forms of life], and it will teach you;
And let the fish of the sea declare [this truth] to you.
“Who among all these does not recognize [in all these things that good and evil are randomly scattered throughout nature and human life]
That the hand of the Lord has done this,
In whose hand is the life of every living thing,
And the breath of all mankind?
“Does the ear not put words to the test,
Just as the palate tastes its food [distinguishing between the desirable and the undesirable]?
“With the aged [you say] is wisdom,
And with [a]long life is understanding.
Job Speaks of the Power of God
“But [only] with Him are [perfect] wisdom and might;
He [alone] has [true] counsel and understanding.
“Behold, He tears down, and it cannot be rebuilt;
He imprisons a man, and there can be no release.
“Behold, He restrains the waters, and they dry up;
Again, He sends the waters out, and they overwhelm anddevastate the earth.
“With Him are might and sound wisdom,
The misled and the misleader are His [and in His power].
With him is strength and wisdom: the deceived and the deceiver are his.
“He makes [great and scheming] counselors walk barefoot
And makes fools of judges.
“He loosens the bond of kings
And binds their loins with a loincloth.
“He makes priests walk barefoot,
And He overturns men firmly seated and secure.
“He deprives the trusted ones of speech
And takes away the discernment and discretion of the aged.
“He pours contempt on princes and nobles
And loosens the belt of the strong [disabling them].
“He uncovers mysteries [that are difficult to grasp and understand] out of the darkness
And brings black gloom and the shadow of death into light.
“He makes nations great, and He destroys them;
He enlarges nations, and leads them away [captive].
“He removes intelligence and understanding from the leaders of the people of the earth
And makes them wander and move blindly in a pathless waste.
“They grope in darkness without light,
And He makes them stagger like a drunken man.”
😷😷😷 America is under God's judgments !!
hat tip
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