Wednesday, September 30, 2020

I Didn't Waste My Time On The Sinking Titanic

 I jumped off this ship of fools long ago.

So sad to see Israel/stupid Netanyahu still bowing to, serving and worshiping their putrid American idol.

The worst presidential debate of all time

What unfolded on my screen emptied me of what I had assumed were many years of reserved pundit cynicism. It was a grim reminder that there is nothing amusing about the slow but almost certainly inexorable decline of the United States into a senile gerontocracy...

BREITBART on the Debate Rot that is America 

He deprives the trusted ones of speech
And takes away the discernment of the elders.

from Job 12


godless america doesn't have a prayer

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I didn't waste my time listening to the 2 Circus performers in action last night.

I'm long finished with the rather large turd that is Washington and the media and deeply offended that a crook like Joe Biden and the rest of the Obama crime family are not in prison, and the gross failings of Trump to deliver any justice.

So I'm not wasting my time being played by the filthy left or right wing of this eagle turned vulture/ evil empire. 

A bit surprised that a few others see the real condition of the arrrogant, reprobate empire that forgot God and insanely thought that it once became GREAT on it's own abilities.

GREATLY SURPRISED that even some non believers have more light to see the truth, reality, unlike the Kool-Aid Christian's who worship at the feet of slick Mammon King Trump and pay shallow lip service to King Jesus.

A sure sign of America's collapse & end are the 2 oaf, low lifes that the stupid voters of America have to choose between to Captain the Titanic on its final voyage down to hell.

There is no justice to be found in the evil empire 


The poodle is all talk and can do nothing without the permission of his golden god Trump.

Netanyahu: Preemptive strike against Iran still an option

“This is the power on our side,” added the prime minister. It is “the power that brought peace with Jordan, Egypt, agreements with the UAE and Bahrain. The power that will bring peace with additional states. The power and perseverance will allow us to handle the coronavirus crisis.”


The idol worshiping fool Netanyahu trusts in the worthless power of America in decay and freefall, not having won a war since 1945.


Anonymous said...


GOD is not a man, that HE should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath HE said, and shall HE not do it? or hath HE spoken, and shall HE not make it good? Numbers 23:19

I don't know how you can stand it, constantly hearing all these lies coming out of the mouths of those who THINK they are rulers, controllers, the princes of this earth. Whether on the left hand or on the right, whether in this nation or the Chosen Land . . . with one accord they AGREE to follow satan, in one way or another.

But, The LORD GOD ALMIGHTY is the ELOHIM, the ECHAD, the united, plural ONE+. HE said, "I will be exalted among the nations; I will be exalted in the earth ! "

The ELOHIM, Who+ is not able to be tricked, also KNOWS THE TRICKSTERS . . . the liars . . . those whose words are smooth as butter , but they serve the satanic forces of the 10 kings of Revelation 17.

May The LORD pull His+ people to HIMSELF+ tightly , that they may not be tricked. For the season of TRICKS is upon us all, heavily.

Blessings to you , Brother.
Thanks for revealing the lies.

In JESUS Who+ alone is Life, both here and BEYOND (!) the grave . . .


Marcel Cousineau said...

Well said _______.
Truly the serious and massively important words of Jesus few really believe even among so many who call themselves followers of Jesus.
They follow everyone but Jesus and He is not fooled by them.
The way is NARROW indeed !!!

FEW ARE LISTENING AND HEEDING the masters warnings

Thanks for that Word of TRUTH.

Blessings and peace trust all is well with you as storm clouds brew upon the land that rejected Jesus His sure word and all truth.