Thursday, February 13, 2020

Wuhan Virus Spread Likely on Planet Stupid

The confused experts are not permitted to link the new killer virus to China or to bats so they started with bogus name of corona which they have now change to Covid-19.

Welcome to Orwell's 1984 and 'newspeak', where the truth is outlawed!

Humanities Crowning Achievement 

The truth has become a rare commodity in this dark & evil world in rebellion against the Creator.

Corona Wuhan Bat Soup Pestilence: Sharp increase in deaths and cases in Hubei

Some 242 deaths from the new corona Wuhan Bat virus were recorded.

There was also a huge increase in the number of cases, with 14,840 people diagnosed with Covid-19.

China has been accused of suppressing the full extent of the outbreak in the past.


Suppressing the Truth - A Pillar of the NWO

The Times of Israel reported that scientists did a test of the virus and found that it originated with bats.

The fact that the media is not doing their job in reporting this and so much other important information is not a surprise because they are evil and have a nefarious agenda.

Bat for sale at Indonesia's wildlife market despite virus warning

Restaurateur Lince Rengkuan  serves bats including their heads and wings stewed in coconut milk and spices. 


UK 9th Wuhan Bat Flu virus 

Woman who flew into London from China a few days ago is being treated for corona Wuhan bat virus, bringing the total number of UK cases to nine

A senior official warned more UK cases were "highly likely

14th American diagnosed with new Wuhan Bat Soup Pestilence virus after CDC warned spread was 'likely'

The person who tested positive was one of those evacuated from Wuhan, China, where the disease first emerged, but we are not allowed to call it Wuhan virus because it might offend the godless Communist Chinese government who recently targeted Christian's for persecution.


We're evil too
and that's why we're
always picking on
Israel and the Jews !

Den of Vipers 

Notice how the new Nazi's don't target Hamas Gaza Palestinians who indiscriminately fire rockets into Israeli cities targeting civilian, but only go after Jews obedient to God's command to rebuild Zion, towns, villages and cities in the land He gave them 

Make no mistake, this is Satan and his minions at work and God shall respond to these evil nations.

What they are calling Climate Change is the fury and fist of God just beginning.

PREPARE for it to get much, much worse and get ready to repel the flood of lies from the dragon and his NWO, GLOBALIST minions.


The Global Fourth Reich, United Nations on Wednesday published its long awaited controversial blacklist of companies doing business over the pre-1967 lines in east Jerusalem, the West Bank and the Golan. 


I've been watching the increased outbreak of an abnormal number of explosions and fires at US refineries, chemical plants and other critical economic infrastructure since our economic sanctions against Iran 

They said that they would respond and I believe that is what has been happening with Iran having activated their sleeper cells selecting important refineries and critical economic targets.

The fact that these unusual number of explosion  incidents, "accidents" are happening in the dark of night and quickly swept under the rug with no reports on their investigations should wake us up to the reality that Iran is at work in the US because of stupid America's suicidal immigration and open borders.

That's probably why the incompetent DHS, FBI, US Government are covering it up !


The blaze lit up the night sky in Baton Rouge, with many taking to Twitter to express their concerns.

  • No assessment but quick to say " no explosion" 
  • I don't  believe them !

An assessment of the damage to the bundle of pipelines where the fire is burning has yet to be done, the sources said.

The Baton Rouge refinery is the second-largest in Louisiana and the fifth-largest in the United States by capacity. It is Exxon's second-largest refinery in the nation.


 By their fruit you shall know them

The extreme left media and reprobate western governments will never identify the evil source of the terrorism. 
They protect and defend evil because that is what they are.

Jihad Jane review – the women seduced by ISLAM's terrorism

Both joined online ISLAM jihadi chatrooms where they met an Algerian man, Ali Damache, who lived in Ireland where he claimed to be the leader of a MUSLIM jihadist group. 


The Lord is good to all,
And His tender mercies are over all His works [the entirety of things created].
All Your works shall give thanks to You and praise You, O Lord,
And Your godly ones will bless You.
They shall speak of the glory of Your kingdom
And talk of Your power,
To make known to the sons of men Your mighty acts
And the glorious majesty of Your kingdom.
Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom,
And Your dominion endures throughout all generations.
The Lord upholds all those [of His own] who fall
And raises up all those who are bowed down.
The eyes of all look to You [in hopeful expectation],
And You give them their food in due time.
You open Your hand
And satisfy the desire of every living thing.

The Lord is [unwaveringly] righteous in all His ways
And gracious and kind in all His works.
The Lord is near to all who call on Him,
To all who call on Him in truth (without guile).
He will fulfill the desire of those who fear and worship Him [with awe-inspired reverence and obedience];
He also will hear their cry and will save them.
The Lord keeps all who love Him,
But all the wicked He will destroy.
My mouth will speak the praise of the Lord,
And all flesh will bless and gratefully praise His holy name forever and ever.


  1. Marcel,
    I am appalled at the things the Chinese people eat !
    I was reading an article comparing how The LORD+ told Israel to eat and core for basic bodily functions.
    The things the Chinese people eat are Harbingers of Sickness ! They even eat Maggots and Scorpions, Rats, Dogs and Cats. No wonder there is sickness breaking out !

    Could this Virus be a Judgment against the Chinese government for how they are treating the Christians, and for XI proclaiming himself to be a "god" ?

    Your thoughts on the many explosions in the large oil and chemical facilities could well be True. The government seems to have NO common sense.
    Rejecting The LORD GOD leaves one with NO Sense and Foolish.

    Climate change is a Total Lie. Scripture tells us what is happening before Mashiach+ Returns to Destroy the Armies of the Nations and to Reign from Zion in Great Glory with a Rod of Iron.
    Isaiah 66:16
    For by fire and by his sword will the Lord plead with all flesh: and the slain of the Lord shall be many.
    Jeremiah 25:31
    A noise shall come even to the ends of the earth; for the Lord hath a controversy with the nations, he will plead_with ALL Flesh ; he will give them that are wicked to the sword, saith the Lord.

    The LORD JESUS CHRIST is NOT Returning in any weakness in any way, but in Almighty Power. HIS+ Return will be the Worst Nightmare for HIS+ Enemies, for HIS+ Father shall make HIS+ Enemies HIS+ FOOTSTOOL.
    From Zion HE+ shall Reign with a Rod of Iron.
    What we see are the Signs of HIS+ soon Return. Amen
    Peace+ to you this day Brother
    Samson7able + + +

    1.  have no doubt God is judging the little impostor god Xi and China as a whole for how evil government treating His children.
      Wait till God repays Sodom Land USA for assuming to create another failed Islamic terrorist state abomination Palestine.
      Job 12 explains why common sense has fled the land and stupid leaders multiply like rats.

      The article on Bat soup is Indonesia so the stupidity is beyond China.
      The best thing the corrupt anti-Christ governments of the world and their media do is LIE, LIE, LIE.
      No doubt the evil empire and their lying media have to majority of Americans asleep, in a coma, busy with junk, stuff, smoking dope, TV garbage entertainment, and sports to think with their brains on all of these incidents involving Oil refineries and chemical Industry infrastructure. The sheep are dead, asleep, having drunk the Kool-Aid of both political parties and their false teachers and hired $ shepherds.

      Thanks brother, Great scripture 
      Blessings and peace in Messiah Jesus.


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