Wednesday, February 12, 2020

The ICC And The Illusion of Justice

Finally !!!

The International Caliphate Court in the Hague finally talk about bringing justice, let's see some action instead of false promises.

Really, the ICC is a farce.
The only reason they are doing this is because they have been exposed.

Hamas has been firing missiles into Israeli cities for nearly 15 years and the ICC are focused solely on bringing Israel into their putrid den of injustice.

After an arrest warrant has been out for over 10 years the reprobate judges of the Court of Clowns and Hypocrites decide it's time to try and give us the illusion of justice.

5 Hezbollah terrorists also have arrest warrants out for the assassination of Lebanese PM Rafik Hariri for years, all swept under the rug. That is the ICC and its long record of selective injustice.

They spend all their disgusting time targeting Jews & Israel who dare to defend themselves against the followers of the false prophet.

Omar al-Bashir: Sudan agrees ex-president must face ICC

He is accused of genocide and war crimes in the conflict that broke out in Darfur in 2003, which killed about 300,000 people.

"Justice cannot be achieved if we don't heal the wounds," said Mohammed Hassan Eltaish, a spokesman for the Sudanese government.


I've been writing about the injustice of the ICC related to Omar al Bashir for a number of years

NOTICE - How the perverse media also gave Mr. Genocide of Sudan a pass the nearly 11 years he had an arrest warrant out for him.


How quickly they swept it under the rug !

I recently wrote about Sudan's Omar al Bashir escaping justice and the rotten Judge from Gambia working overtime to drag Israel into her stinking court but not Hamas, the Palestinian Terrorism Authority, Fatah,  or Hezbollah (Rafik Hariri's assassination Beirut, Lebanon, nothing done on those 5 arrest warrants either , I believe her name is Fatoua (?)

She like the rest of the reprobates are quick to go after Israel and give their bloody partners in terrorism a pass.

So soon after I wrote this. Interesting indeed.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020


So it was quite surprising to see the above headline.
No doubt they know their antisemitism is showing and so they will try and fake some justice for us.


Corona Wuhan Bat Flu virus 'could infect 60% of global population if unchecked'

The corona China Bat Soup virus epidemic could spread to about two-thirds of the world’s population if it cannot be controlled, according to Hong Kong’s leading public health epidemiologist.



First US evacuee from China to have coronavirus is mistakenly released from hospital

The first US evacuee from China confirmed to have the coronavirus was mistakenly released from a San Diego hospital as a result of a botched test result that showed he was not infected, according to reports.



Thailand turns away stranded MS Westerdam cruise ship amid coronavirus fears

MS Westerdam has already been prohibited from docking in Japan, Taiwan, the Philippines and the US territory of Guam — sparking frustrations and feelings of helplessness among stranded passengers.


Draconian Times Around The Bend


The United States military has set up mass quarantine camps in the United States to hoard people into. The Department of Defense has confirmed that the U.S. is following in China’s footsteps.

The U.S. government is eventually going to use quarantining the infected as an excuse to round people up into camps.  And what happens if you are healthy and tossed into a camp with a bunch of people infected with the coronavirus? I probably don’t need to tell you.



Abbas also held up a series of maps commonly used by anti-Israel groups to claim Israel has stolen land, which falsely claims the Ottoman Empire and the British Mandate were a Palestinian state and that Israel is built on land that belonged to the state that did not exist.


Food fears grow as swarms of locusts reach Uganda and Tanzania

One especially large swarm in north-eastern Kenya measured 60km long by 40km wide. Even a small swarm of the insects can consume enough food for 35,000 people in a day. 
The infestation from the Arabian peninsula has also affected India and Pakistan.


Fallen, fallen [certainly to be destroyed] is Babylon the GREAT ! She has become a dwelling place for demons, a dungeon haunted by every unclean spirit, and a prison for every unclean and loathsome bird. 

Revelation 18

2 police officers shot at Walmart in Arkansas, suspect killed: Police

The shooting unfolded after police got a call around 10:24 a.m. about an individual making threats inside the Walmart.


GPD: Dunnellon man sprayed people with fire extinguisher at Walmart

According to the police report, Gregg David Atkisson, 33, went into the Walmart on NE 12th Avenue and grabbed a fire extinguisher near the garden section. Atkisson started breaking windows, doors and anti-theft devices totaling over $10,000 in damage.



“I have come as light into the world, so that everyone who believes in Me may not remain in darkness.” – John 12:46

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that.” This familiar quote comes from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and is one of many profound things said during his life.

Have you ever been in a situation where the darkness was so powerful that light could not overcome it? I remember touring a cave when all the lights were turned off. I couldn’t see a thing. I couldn’t even see my hand in front of my face! And then the guide simply lit a match – one match – and suddenly we could see throughout the cave. The darkness shrank back and allowed us to see, all because darkness cannot overcome even one little light.

Jesus refers to Himself as the Light of the world. In other words, Jesus is the embodiment of how to know God and live life. He brings clarity and direction to the confusion and uncertainty that comes in navigating this life.

Today, you might feel like your life is engulfed in darkness. You might feel lost and confused when it comes to dealing with work or financial pressures. A recent health diagnosis or relational conflict might feel like a darkness you just don’t know how to navigate on your own. What about your life’s purpose? No matter how dark life appears, Jesus wants to be the Light that lights the way through every challenge. Invite Christ into your life and that Light will be turned on. No matter how dark your life appears, with Jesus, life will begin to make sense. With the Light of the World in your life, you’ll be filled with hope and understanding.

Here’s more good news. When we do this, Jesus says we can be a light to others by pointing people who are in the dark to the light…the Light of Christ.

Go to Rightfromtheheart.og to sign up for these daily devotions.


As it is written and forever remains written,

There is none righteous [none that meets God’s standard], not even one.
There is none who understands,
There is none who seeks for God.
All have turned aside, together they have become useless;
There is none who does good, no, not one.”
Their throat is an open grave;
They [habitually] deceive with their tongues.”
The venom of asps is beneath their lips.”
Their mouth is full of cursing and bitterness.”
Their feet are swift to shed blood,
Destruction and misery are in their paths,
And they have not known the path of peace.”
There is no fear of God [and His awesome power] before their eyes.”
19 Now we know that whatever the Law [of Moses] says, it speaks to those who are under the Law, so that [the excuses of] every mouth may be silenced [from protesting] and that all the world may be held accountable to God [and subject to His judgment]. 


  1. Marcel,
    I DO Hope that your article on the
    islamic bigot court Scared them and Exposed their
    Extremely Unfair and Unjust system !!
    If that Butcher who murdered 3000,000 Christians in Sudan come to ANY Justice it will be Amazing.
    Can it happen ?

    Abbas is using the Same Old Lies in his Rhetoric that ALL anti Israel muslims do. Looking at the Truth of it tells a Different story.
    He is being told by other muslim countries to "Tone Down the Rhetoric", as they want a part of the 50 Billion $$ evidently. They want the financial burden of Gaza lifted off of them and onto the U.S.
    TAQIYYA is in Play here with the muslims.
    Saying One thing and Smiling and Really Meaning something else entirely. Their philosophy hasn't changed, just their methodology.

    Quarantine Camps: Truly Marcel, as you said, putting those "Suspected" of being infected in with those who are infected is insane. The well will become sick !
    Their thinking caps are NOT on straight.

    Peace+ to you this morning Brother,
    Samson7able + + +

    1. My guess is that the ICC is putting on their LATE, LATE LATE SHOW in order to fool everyone that they are not stark raving antisemitic lunatics.
      Inside they are seething to go after Israel.
      The fact that Abbas the Muslim terrorist who wants all of Israel, a dictator (no elect tion since 2005) is so loved by the repugnant, reprobate West, US,EU, UN, and showered with $ Billions in support no matter how many Jews they slaughter explains why God laid His plan out in Zechariah 12:9.

      FDR rounded up the Japanese when there was a threat to the homeland.
      What will an immoral godless, evil America do when this Wuhan Bat Flu threat or other threats arise ?

      Those trapped on the Cruise ship who were healthy are getting the virus and their vacation has turned into hell.

      Signs of the times.
      Blessings and peace, thanks brother.


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