The little gods of the earth gather together in New York City to advance their anti-Christ agenda.
Little do the blind fools realize that He is laughing at their inferior attempts to overthrow Him and set themselves on His throne.
Why are the nations in an uproar [in turmoil against God],
And why do the people devise a vain and hopeless plot?
The kings of the earth take their stand;
And the rulers take counsel together
Against the Lord and His Anointed (the Davidic King, the Messiah, the Christ), saying,
“Let us break apart their [divine] bands [of restraint]
And cast away their cords [of control] from us.”
He who sits [enthroned] in the heavens laughs [at their rebellion];
The [Sovereign] Lord scoffs at them [and in supreme contempt He mocks them].
Then He will speak to them in His [profound] anger
And terrify them with His displeasure, saying,
“Yet as for Me, I have anointed and firmly installed My King
Upon Zion, My holy mountain.”
Psalm 2
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Lets not talk about the real threats to humanity ! |
The earth also is polluted by its inhabitants, because they have transgressed laws, violated statutes, and broken the everlasting covenant.
Therefore, a curse devours the earth, and those who live on it suffer the punishment of their guilt. Therefore, the inhabitants of the earth are burned [under the curse of God’s wrath], and few people are left.
Isaiah 24
The UN Climate Action Summit
Blind, Insane World leaders Meet at the UN to peddle their 'CLIMATE CHANGE' madness as they ignore the truth that the Creator of all living things, His earth and His Universe is unhappy with their rebellion against Him and it it He who sends bad weather, bad climate, and rising heat from the sun.
These degenerate, reprobate world leaders will never discuss the very real threat to infidel humanity of the ongoing Islamic global war to conquer the earth as they destroy themselves and their cities and countries as we saw with Syria, Yemen, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Afghanistan, Lebanon, for their false prophet Mohammed and their false bloodthirsty god allah.
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just a little insane, mad & headed for hell |
Why has it taken so long for the Saudi's to figure out where the attack came from, and why have they done nothing except wait for the US to act?
Something is not right !
"This attack is a tipping point"
These "Muslim against Muslim" attacks are God's judgments on evil Islam
Saudi Arabia seeks action against Iran after oil attack, allies wary
If the probe proved the strike came from Iran then "this would be considered an act of war".
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Immoral America is no longer the moral leader of the Freak World |
Assuming to force Iran into anything is an arrogant fools errand !
Pompeo: Trump's Iran Strategy is Working
"We are well on our way to forcing the Iranian regime, to ultimately make the decision to become a normal nation — that's all we've ever asked," he told ABC News.
"But make no mistake about it, if we're unsuccessful in that and Iran continues to strike out in this way, I am confident that President Trump will make the decisions necessary to achieve our objectives."
"Your presence has always brought pain and misery for the region. The farther you keep yourselves from our region and our nations, the more security there will be for our region."
Rouhani said Iran would present a plan for peace to the United Nations in the coming days.
Iran's Foreign Minister: 'Abandon The Illusion' That Tehran Will Cave To Pressure
Iran's Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif says his country will not succumb to economic pressure by the Trump administration.
I can assure you that the United States will not be able to bring us to our knees through pressure.
Russia Knocks Down Israeli Drone Over Syria
This is reportedly the fourth time that the Russian army has prevented an Israeli attack in Syria since late August.
New Strike Targets PMF (popular mobilization forces) Base in Iraq
The airstrike was the latest in a series of unclaimed strikes on weapons depots and bases of the Iran-backed PMF. (mobilized for end of days war against Israel)
The group blame the string of bombings on Israel, which frequently targets Iranian interests in Syria.
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India's Bipin Rawat |
‘Balakot Islamic terrorist camp reactivated by Pakistan, around 500 MUSLIM terrorists waiting to enter India,’ says Bipin Rawat
Army Chief General Bipin Rawat on Monday said the ISLAMIC terrorist camp in Balakot, where the Indian Air Force had undertaken a “surgical strike”, has been reactivated by Pakistan, PTI reported. Rawat claimed that around 500 infiltrators were waiting to enter India.
Paris: Muslim Terrorist Women on trial for attempted attack near Notre Dame
On Sept. 4, 2016, they parked a Peugeot carrying six gas canisters near Notre Dame, doused them with diesel fuel and tried to set them alight. But they failed, and fled.
Madani tried to plot a new attack with help from Kassim and other women MUSLIM extremists. On Sept. 8, three of them took kitchen knives and attempted a rampage as police closed in.
The Muslim terrorist women had been recruited by one of France's most notorious muslim jihadists, and prosecutors say the attempted explosion could have killed dozens of people in one of the French capital's most touristed neighborhhoods.
It came after a string of Islamic extremist attacks that deeply shook France and hardened its security posture.
So, when they had solemnly testified and spoken the word of the Lord, they started back to Jerusalem, and were preaching the gospel to many villages of the Samaritans.
But an angel of the Lord spoke to Philip saying, “Get up and go south to the road that descends from Jerusalem to Gaza.” (This is a desert road.)
So he got up and went; and there was an Ethiopian eunuch, a court official of Candace, queen of the Ethiopians, who was in charge of all her treasure; and he had come to Jerusalem to worship, and he was returning and sitting in his chariot, and was reading the prophet Isaiah.
Then the Spirit said to Philip, “Go up and join this chariot.” Philip ran up and heard him reading Isaiah the prophet, and said, “Do you understand what you are reading?” And he said, “Well, how could I, unless someone guides me?” And he invited Philip to come up and sit with him.
Now the passage of Scripture which he was reading was this:
“He was led as a sheep to slaughter;
And as a lamb before its shearer is silent,
So He does not open His mouth.
“In humiliation His judgment was taken away;
Who will relate His generation?
For His life is removed from the earth.”
The eunuch answered Philip and said, “Please tell me, of whom does the prophet say this? Of himself or of someone else?”
35 Then Philip opened his mouth, and beginning from this Scripture he preached Jesus to him.
As they went along the road they came to some water; and the eunuch *said, “Look! Water! What prevents me from being baptized?” [And Philip said, “If you believe with all your heart, you may.” And he answered and said, “I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.”] And he ordered the chariot to stop; and they both went down into the water, Philip as well as the eunuch, and he baptized him.
When they came up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord snatched Philip away; and the eunuch no longer saw him, but went on his way rejoicing.
But Philip found himself at Azotus, and as he passed through he kept preaching the gospel to all the cities until he came to Caesarea.
Acts 8:26-40
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