Monday, September 24, 2018

Amir Tsarfati and the Deceived Laodecian Church, Part 2

As Jesus warned would be the case in these last of the last days, many deceivers are out there and most of them are deceiving the believers in Messiah Jesus.
The devil already has the lost and he is targeting those who claim to be Christians.

 What is sad and truly amazing is how many gullible, naive and foolish Christians are out there.

I went to John Haller's excellent Sunday YouTube video and the number of comments from deceived Christians flabbergasted me.

There is no sound biblical reasoning with these PROUD unprepared, sin and idols enslaved Laodecian Christians who brag about being raptured out, leaving Israel behind to suffer the Tribulation period.

These early escape, deluded Christians are the 5 foolish virgins of Matthew 25  who are themselves under God's judgment because of their smugness and pride.

What will these unprepared foolish virgins do when they wake up and realize they are still here and the tribulation period  is upon them.

Sadly many will fall away and betray one another, and when the rest of the foolish virgins of Matthew 25 come knocking seeking JESUS too late for more oil they really believed WRONGLY that they would not need.


This anon comment below was so right on about Amir that I had to share it with those believers who are not so easily deceived and following the herd of blind being led by deceivers and blind guides.

Why didn't he name his org. BEHOLD the Messiah of Israel ? 
This name 'Behold Israel' puts Israel above the Holy One of Israel which is idolatry !
Red flag -Very popular Ear Tickler & Political PR front man from Israel who tells Christians in America to vote for worthless Republicans and stand with Mammon King Trump, NEVER preaches repentance, believes in and sells the false early rapture lie.

Anonymous said...

I have been mesmerised by Amir's whirlwind around the world and weekly prophecy updates.. .for the last two years now as of 2018 a few things dawned on me about this messages and always Ezekiel 38 war is drawing nearer and then we are out of here. .IE pre tribulation..

I thoroughly fail to see the connection.. Once I wrote to his ministry to explain. I was given a trail of scriptures I could not follow. .

Why does he never explain this properly..

He spends much time on show casing hid knowledge about geo political events and.. Usually ends with the encouraging words of "look up your redemdeption is near. " Referring to that we are out of here referring that we will be raptured soon.. .

What disturbs me more than his teaching is the fact the comments he gets either on Facebook or you tube.. It is his audience cheering each other on with " 0ee are out of here soon".. " great can't wait " and so forth. . Whilst his calling may not be that of calling America or Israel to repentance it disturbs me how he uses Ezekiel 38 war without any further scripture reference on how it ties in. . And yes however he whilst he is at it should mentioned who is going to be raptured..

Now he has become very popular. . And is gaining momentum and many follow him instead of Elohim. . Many comment how they look forward to his weekly updates .

He certainly has become a cult figure.
 And that is never good and hence his ego is swelled up far too much. . So boasting and almost gloating over the misfortune of the Ezekiel 38 war participants..

I don't like this and correct less and less humility in this man .. If the rapture is imminent as he claims why then at least not include repentance massage to warn the people of imminent destruction like Jeremiah did read chapter 50. 

he..Should warn his Christian listeners listeners to turn because sure not all are ready to meet their Maker and hence miss out being raptured..

He should warn his listeners to make sure they are not left behind.

September 24, 2018 at 7:10 AM

Thanks for that comment anon,

You shared so many critically important points that I had to share it with my small group of readers.
Tragically & Amazing how the wolves and hired shepherds amass such large followings from the dumb sheep who swallow every lie with such careless easy and ignore Jesus words to be wise as serpents and harmless as doves isn't it. 

Jesus called them foolish virgins, I guess dumb sheep is about the same to label these careless, deceived psuedo believers that Jesus will say to I don't know you !!!

Amir Tsarfati and the Deceived Laodecian Church

My guess is that Amir is a set up, a "dead works of the flesh" PR agent to Christians for Israel.  

What is so shocking is how the majority of foolish virgins , comatose Christians in America and everywhere, fall for this false one that Jesus did not send  

.... because if Jesus sent him he would be preaching the gospel to Israel and preaching repentance to the comatose Christians of America who only want their ears tickled.


John Haller does an excellent job here but some of the comments from the unprepared bride who think they are ready to meet Jesus is beyond tragic.

> Their blind arrogance and pride in swallowing false teachings on an early rapture lie will leave many at the door knocking and Jesus saying;  

‘Truly I say to you, I do not know you.’


2018 09 23 John Haller's Prophecy Update "Surveillance Society"

Then all those virgins rose and trimmed their lamps.

8 The foolish said to the prudent, ‘Give us some of your oil, for our lamps are going out.’ But the prudent answered, ‘No, there will not be enough for us and you too; go instead to the dealers and buy some for yourselves.’

And while they were going away to make the purchase, the bridegroom came, and those who were ready went in with him to the wedding feast; and the door was shut.

11 Later the other virgins also came, saying, ‘Lord, lord, open up for us.’ But he answered, ‘Truly I say to you, I do not know you.’

Be on the alert then, for you do not know the day nor the hour.

Matthew 25


  1. The ' Secret Pre-Trib Rapture" teaching is a tragic LIE.
    They taught this un-scriptural and confused mess to the Chines Church, and then , ALONG CAME MAO. Thousands died by that devils hand. Many deceived Christians fell away.

    Scripture DOES NOT teach Secret Rapture at all. It is a MAN-MADE doctrine of demons.
    The Rapture or Catching up of the Living followers of JESUS is TIED intimately to The First Resurrection at the beginning of the Day of The LORD+, the Millennial Reign. ( Immediately AFTER the tribulation of those days.)

    This teaching is popular because the contemporary church teaches NO Discipleship. Just come down front a say this prayer, and you are IN and can never be out !! NO SELF DENIAL. NO CROSS CARRYING. NO DOING WHAT JESUS SAID. JUST BELIEVISM !!

    It is going to be a sad and terrifying situation when their eyes are painfully opened and they realize that they have been deceived.
    Christians, read what JESUS said. Don't listen to false teachers.

    WOE to these False teachers.

    1. I mentioned Jesus' very own words ,Matthew 24:29 'after the tribulation' to Denise at John Haller YouTube video yesterday on comments, and as expected she twisted the truth to fit her lie. She wrote back; Jesus was only speakin to the Jews there and not us (smug, arrogant not ready for the Bridegroom,spoiled AmericanIzed, backslid, shallow Christians. Too blind to see until it's too late because they love this world more than Jesus.
      Thanks for sharing Samson7able

  2. There is so much deception, I'm shocked at how blind our brothers and sisters are. Everyday there are people embracing the "social justice", no repentance, easy life, gospel. Sometimes I can hardly believe what I'm seeing or hearing. The gospel message is simple to understand, challenging to follow. Where is the repentance??! Where is the turning away from sin, not justifying it! Where is the accountability? I'm seeing the deceived grow in numbers and it is astounding that people are so blind, and angry if you try to discuss it. Intolerance has bled over into Christianity, this is accelerating at a very quick pace. And I cannot even imagine how much worse society can go.
    I appreciate you and the time commitment involved in staying up on current events. Also a shout out to samson7able. Thanks Marcel.

    1. Thanks so much for sharing Dora.
      Jesus said the road to destruction was wide and most choose the easy way. Compromise with the world is the way for most deceived Christians in America who have beenough fed the salt free gospel of toxuc sugar. I've come to realize that they really do not belive Jesus or His word. These are the ones He will tell, Depart from me you workers of iniquity, I never knew you !
      Thanks again for your kind words of truth and love.


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