Monday, February 17, 2020

The Virus Must Spread And We Are Doing Everything To Make That Happen !

I've been getting over 100 fake visits daily from Russia to my blog for 4 days now
( 181 fake-visits Sunday with only 42 reading yesterdays message, total)
with Google FakeAnalytics it never adds up as they block and shadow ban RPD.
Most of the time they have real Analytics to the blog shut off to keep visit numbers fake.

Not sure what DECEPTION GOOGLE are up to but beware of the lying media and their cohorts.

It would be great to get a website free of Google if that is even possible?


“He removes intelligence and understanding from the leaders of the people of the earth
And makes them wander and move blindly in a pathless waste.
“They grope in darkness without light,
And He makes them stagger like a drunken man.”

Job 12

14 Americans test positive for corona China Bat virus after evacuation from quarantined cruise ship

These 14 China Bat Virus carrying individuals were moved  from the bus they were on after exposing the rest of their fellow passengers in the most expeditious and safe manner to a specialized containment area on the evacuation aircraft to isolate them too late, (and make sure the cabin air conditioning system spread the virus) in accordance with standard protocols, even though the unlucky vacationers were already exposed to the virus on the bus to Tokyo before their flight.

We are counting on the average American to be dumb enough to trust us to know what we are doing.

The 14 have already spread the virus to the other passengers from the nightmare vacation, but we don't want you to think for yourselves, or figure that out,  just trust us.

We put on a good show except we screwed up when we let the 14 infect the others on their trip to the Tokyo airport,  just ignore that.

We really hope you buy our "standard protocol" incompetence and stupidity ."
the State Department’s spokesclown said in the statement.


CONTAGION- Movie Trailer


A 24 day incubation period NOT 14 days !

The source also said the virus has “outsmarted all of us,” as it can hide symptoms for up to 24 days. This assertion has been made independently elsewhere, with Chinese pulmonologist Zhong Nanshan (鍾南山) saying the average incubation period is three days, but it can take as little as one day and up to 24 days to develop symptoms


It’s highly possible to get infected a second time. A few people recovered from the first time by their own immune system, but the meds they use are damaging their heart tissue, and when they get it the second time, the antibody doesn’t help but makes it worse, and they die a sudden death from heart failure,” reads a message forwarded to Taiwan News from a relative of one of the doctors living in the United Kingdom.


Do not defile yourselves by any of these things; for by all these the nations which I am casting out before you have become defiled.

For the land has become defiled; therefore I have brought its punishment upon it, and the land vomits out its inhabitants.

But as for you, you are to keep My statutes and My judgments (precepts) and shall not commit any of these repulsive acts, neither the native-born, nor the stranger who lives temporarily among you.

Mississippi governor declares state of emergency as Pearl River rises

Close to 2,500 homes were believed affected by the flooding late Saturday.


Meanwhile, there are 14,000 homes and businesses without power in Ireland, where orange wind warnings remain in place for many areas of the country.


YouTube video

Storm Denis Huge Waves Hit Coast

Flooded England and Wales


When vacations just aren't what they used to be.

Forty infected Americans among cruise ship evacuees

Forty Americans being taken off the quarantined cruise ship Diamond Princess are infected with new coronavirus, a US official says.

They are among 400 people from the US leaving the vessel docked in Japan.


A hunt for clues in Hawaii after a tourist couple falls ill with corona China bat virus

Dr. Sarah Park, the state epidemiologist, said the man had most likely been exposed to the virus before leaving Japan or while traveling to Hawaii. He and his wife, who was also confirmed Saturday with the virus but did not show symptoms while in Hawaii, arrived on Maui on Jan. 28. 


Pastor Benjamin Faircloth - YouTube 


Listen, it's good !


  1. Marcel,
    Google is doing the Same Thing to us on the Blogsite. I don't know what they are trying to prove.
    It may be, as you have said, to Discourage anyone from Speaking the Truth. Are Websites available anymore FREE FROM GOOGLE ? Surely there must be, but probably not cheap. Do you know of any?

    It appears that the Corona Virus is going to be used by the PTB to corral the masses and force certain strictures on them. There is already a partial panic, of one sort or another taking place.
    Keep the Immune System Fortified and Lay Low. May The LORD+ grant HIS+ Protection to HIS+ Children.

    The U.K. is getting POUNDED !! The second weekend in a row !! I am hearing that there will be another bad Storm next weekend too !! Maybe the Arrogant Leaders should change their Opinion about certain things .

    Yes ! The LORD'S+ Red Line has been crossed.
    It is a Fearful Thing to Fall into the Hands of The Living GOD. The nations will know that these things are NOT Natural, and WILL NOT be able to Shrug them off. Their Idols are going to be Struck down and their Arrogant Pride and Haughtiness will come down.

    Bless you Brother. Keep speaking the Truth.
    You are a Blessing/
    Samson7able + + +

  2. THANKS Brother!
    No doubt I've made many enemies with the subject matter here.
    They hate the truth.

    America has become so evil and corrupt that God will act in a severe and very painful way.
    The GREAT DELUsion will fade just as 6 year old Faye Swetlik's memory has already faded, another child murdered on the altar of America's evil culture.
    Did you see the video of the waves angrily striking the UK East Coast and all the major flooding ?

    With the plagues of locust and China virus when nuclear war arrives the survivors will grow weary. Hopefully many will finally turn away from lying, corrupt politicians, false religious leaders and media and turn to Jesus.
    Thanks again and blessings.


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